ForumsWEPRFuture of Religion

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168 posts

What do you think? How long will Christianity and Islam last before they get abandoned? Do you think other religions will replace them or that religion will slowly die out? Will there one day be a world without religion, will we stay on this kind of religions with more or less religious people, or will another kinds of religion, more modern come to exist?


  • 44 Replies
340 posts

Religion won't die.

2,980 posts

I agree with @roydotor2000

Judging by how dogmatic and crazy a great number of people are about their religions and by the sheer numbers of the total followers of all religions of the world, it's safe to assume that theistic people will continue to greatly out number atheistic people for a very long time.

8,256 posts

The numbers of people leaving the church has never been higher, though not all of those who do are necessarily atheists. I am convinced that there are more atheists nowadays, but some who leave do so because they do not identify with the institution anymore. So one possibility is that in the future, religion might be more decentralised, personalised. This would be good news for the many non-denominational churches or sects, something that worries me a little.

One thing that will change are the dogmas of mainstream religions. As in the past, even the biggest religions gradually adapt to contemporary society, and this is a process that will continue to happen. The big religious institutions will either adapt or fade away over time.

I also think that any new potential religion that may spring up will have to deal with current scientific, technological and societal knowledge/progress/norms if it wants to be successful; either that, or go completely against it and radicalize itself, in which case it will always be in conflict with the rest. Religions like Christianity get away with outdated things because it old and already widespread; newer religions likely won't have that benefit.

I do think that the impact of religion on society as a whole will lessen over time. But will they completely disappear? Unlikely, at least not in any foreseeable future.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well, it really varies from region to region. I do not see religion fading out any time soon in South America, or Africa, or the Middle East. We're seeing the growth of an agnostic/atheist/skeptic/lapsed religious demographic but sooner or later I think that will plateau. There has always been an undercurrent of unbelievers, and I believe that the more relaxed and open environment has led to them being more forthcoming with their beliefs. But the majority of people still seem to believe in a form of god or two. So no, religion isn't going to go away anytime soon unfortunately.

I do agree with Hahiha though, organized religion may be on the wane.

It's probably not going to disappear too, because religious identities are often tied to other ways that we identify ourselves, such as culture or national identities. It's an entangled web. (Such as Judaism).

2,825 posts

Religion doesn't die, it evolves. It bends and alters to suit the mood of the day and the needs of it's leaders. It splits and reforms, an amorphous mass that only needs one visionary/lunatic and a few devotees/suckers to spring up again.

9,462 posts

Yes I do think Christianity and Islamism will eventually die out. I would hesitate to make a prediction as to when that would happen. It would be easy for another new religion to form and take it's place.

However I think perhaps a better question is, just how relevant will religion remain?

2,980 posts


It's just Islam, not "Islamism".

It'd be great if Islam died out though. That'd mean a lot less people being killed every year in their malicious attacks against society.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

However I think perhaps a better question is, just how relevant will religion remain?

Given how long enduring and ingrained it is in our society, I would say it'll stay relevant for the majority of people for the longest of times. Doesn't mean it's true, but it'll still be relevant. Besides, the structures of organized religion are rather well entrenched.

7,024 posts

It'd be great if Islam died out though. That'd mean a lot less people being killed every year in their malicious attacks against society.

Υeah, what Matt said. You do realize that the actions of a bunch of extremists cannot define an entire group of millions of people, right? Because that's how many Muslims condemn ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the terrorist attacks the extremists execute.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

The spirit behind the statement goes in an improper direction, but it doesn't shroud the fact that religion does lead to many unnecessary deaths each year. It would be too simplistic to boil conflicts down just to divine disagreements, but they do play a significant factor.

It'd be great if all religions just died out.

5,340 posts

i dont believe religion will ever die.

the knowledge of the universe is infinite. and where our knowledge cant reach is where magic, religion etc. will continue to live in. religions are nothing more then theories that come from fantasy views. as long as theres something we cant explain and imagination, people will probably have religions.

It'd be great if all religions just died out.

its an easy thing to say. many would be happier if jews died out. many would be happier if arabs died out. many would be happier if gays died out. i mean come on, it would be better for the majority if humans died out.

its not necesairy though. saying that is like giving up. what should be done is find a way to keep those things and solve the problems. religion in itself doesnt hurt anybody. even the most hateful religion ever cant harm anyone unless its followers will act on it.
i find religions interesting and they give some amazing phylosophical views on reality. it would be possible to have different religions exist and still have a peaceful world.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

things and solve the problems. religion in itself doesnt hurt anybody. even the most hateful religion ever cant harm anyone unless its followers will act on it.

That's not really a sound argument upon closer detail. Of course it's nearly impossible for such a wish to happen, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't stop working towards closing out religion from the public sphere.

Thus far, religion hasn't proved itself capable of coexisting in peace. There has always been religious conflict, even in so called first world nations.

168 posts

how relevant will religion remain?

Well I can see decentralization in more advanced nations and while USA, China and Russia are the "strongest" nations I can see this happening in Germany, UK, Sweden... Other parts of World would have to wait until rise of there education percent and better understanding of science.

Religion doesn't die, it evolves. It bends and alters to suit the mood of the day and the needs of it's leaders. It splits and reforms, an amorphous mass that only needs one visionary/lunatic and a few devotees/suckers to spring up again.

I agree. But because of globalization which should, SHOULD lead to better education I can see a growth of Atheist percent. But as you said religion will survive.

206 posts

Actually the attendance rates for churches were lowest decades ago around the time when divorce rates were also highest (correct me if I'm wrong).

Also I think it unusual how some people think that somehow education and religion = cannot be. I don't see why a priest cannot be a general relativity scholar or why an atheist cannot be a theological scholar. These types of people can and 'do' exist. IMO saying things like this is adds to the fuel which groups like the KKK and etc use, all it really does is call religious people stupid (which is not the goal but it's how it comes out as too some people) and it just intensifies arguments and discussions about theology (and the sort) because it ends up just being a trade of insults.

The Baha'i Faith is the fastest growing religion in the world, they teach simply to teach not to convert unlike its Abrahamic counterparts. Many people attend their youth groups, Christians, Atheists, Buddhists, Muslism and etc, I will tell you that I have seen it first handed. They are an 'extremely tolerant' group who have roots in tradition and thoughts for the future of humanity.

If we look back in history I would say in the future we are due for another religious revival in the Western World.

168 posts

I think it unusual how some people think that somehow education and religion = cannot be

Not cannot be, but I really think that with more education more people will become atheists, not all because religion can always argue that science can't explain god which is logical

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