ForumsForum GamesXCOM: Devastation (RP/RPG)

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605 posts

Humanity is facing the greatest threat of its time. An alien invasion. In preparation, a large-scaled covert military force funded by numerous countries, called the 'council', to protect earth no matter the cost. Its name is XCOM, and the battle for Mother Earth has yet to begin. There can no be no fight without soldiers, and that is where you come in. There are many roles within XCOM but it is the grunts of the organization that humanity's fate and hope lies within. Let's pray that you manage to survive, Welcome to Central Command.

Welcome to my new forum game. XCOM: Enemy Within is one of my favorite games and with the sequel coming out I can barely wait.

Character Sheet
Name: (What your Character goes by)
Age: (Ages 19-50)
Gender: (M or F)
Nationality: (Place of Origin)
Appearance: (How your character looks)
Bio: (Your character's background)

Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Given later)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: (Assigned later)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns)
Attributes (Assign 20 points)
Strength: (Each points adds +5 health and increases range of throwables and melee weapons)
Dexterity: (Accuracy with firearms, reaction speed, and speed)
Intelligence: (General knowledge, ability to understand complex situations)
Wisdom: ( General Understanding, ability to think quickly and efficiently)
Willpower: (Your resistance against shocking instances and adds +5 to will)
Charisma: (Your ability to lead and convince others)
Perception: (Awareness of your enviroment, and ability to see)
Luck: (Affects critical hits and critical moments)

That's everything, let me know if I should add/change anything. Welcome to XCOM!

  • 20 Replies
605 posts

Name: James O'Neil
Age: 27
Gender: M
Nationality: Ireland
Appearance: Short brown hair leads into a neatly trimmed beard. His blue eyes always seemed to look through a person rather then at them. He stands at six foot and weighs approximately thirteen stone. He carries himself with confidence and holds his weapon with ease, not his first time carrying a gun.
Bio: James always knew he was going to join the army, every man in his lineage had been, all the way back to his great-great-great grandfather. Since he was old enough he trained to join the army and use that to further himself into other special forces around the world. He had run training exercises alongside China's Special Operations Battalion, the Irish Army Ranger Wing, the Russian KRO and the American Joint Special Operations Command. When XCOM came looking for soldiers James was top of the list. He was trained with every weapon under the sun, mounted turrets, explosives, snipers, rifles, machine-guns, knives, pistols. He never bothered himself with a commanding roll, it was offered to him in the past but he knew that wasn't where he'd be most effective. He tended to leave the thinking and research to those who knew what they were talking about, only really worrying about the battle-field, that is unless some suit or lab-rat started suggesting battle plans when they had no boots-on-the-ground experience.

Lvl: 1
Health: 115/115
Will: 110/110
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Delta-2 (Hell-cats)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Cost 5 will)

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0
Perception: 4
Luck: 1

Charlene looks at you for a moment, examining you before she smiled "Rico's too used to staying out of the action." he innocently teased before stepping off the ring. Rico took your hand to assist him getting up looking a little red still catching his breath "Not with those manly muscles Charlene has." he quickly remarked with a grin as it certainly got her a little flared up "Wanna go again hotshot? Perhaps we can do a live practice on what 'Chief' here just said." It was clear in her speech she used 'Chief' sarcastically. Clark decided to then intercede with a laugh "If everyone had the same skills we wouldn't be a team. Charlene was selected for her CQC skills and Rico is on the other side of the spectrum as a sniper. They're not even here for a week and they're already rivals." he laughed once more. Charlene laid a towel around her neck and took a generous swig of her water bottle resting atop a steel chair "I chose the squad name by the way, the mighty Hell-Cats!" she said with pride to which Rico whispered to you "Fits her personality perfectly." barely containing his smile which was caught by Charlene "What was that Rico?" she asked low but firmly "N-nothing at all." he nervously spit out.

Name: Scott Richads
Age: 26
Gender: M
Nationality: England
Appearance: White, Tall, 1.90m, Blue Eyes, and Slick black hair.
Bio: Used to be a hired gun. The only life he knew until his boss tried to have him killed. Barely escaping with his life, he decided he needed a greater cause. He was spotted by a Council representative and signed up for XCOM trials. Immediately surpassing many of his peers, he stood out and was accepted into XCOM

Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Echo-1 (Dire Wolves)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Costs 5 will)
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 7
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 2
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0
Perception: 4
Luck: 0

That appeared to dampen Victor's excitement as he said nothing more. Shortly after you prepped your rifle, the rest of the squad did the same. You could feel the weight of the Sky-ranger shift as it decelerated, the mechanical jets on the wings shifting for a vertical landing. The cabin of the aircraft bounced a bit as it touched down and Tristan arose from his seat "I don't want any heroes out there, check corners, and you know the drill. Let's move." The ramp lowered behind him and the squad quickly moved off the Sky-ranger with weapons drawn. You landed on a heli-pad on the far-side of the dock with several ships of varying size in port. Overall, it was eerily silent and not as lit as one would hope leaving plenty of spaces for someone or something to hide.

Character Sheet
Name: Axorez
Age: 19
Gender: M
Nationality: England
Appearance: White Skinned, Short and brown hair, Small build, 170cm tall, Blue eye
Bio: Adopted by a well-known family as an only child. He got good formal education. After giving it some thought, he decided to join XCOM, and passed with little problem. He can't lead for worth, is a little childish, and isn't the best at combat.


Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Given later)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Charlie-3 (Bull-Dogs)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: costs 5 will)


Strength: 0
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 5
Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0
Perception: 2
Luck: 0

"I'm sure you will, here at XCOM soliders, scientists, and engineers from across the globe are coordinating to fight the alien threat. Then again, you probably know that." he spoke as he lead you out of the hangar and through misson control where a large holographic globe of earth served as the centerpiece. Operators could be heard talking over headsets to what one would assume squads in the field "I understand from your files that you're a little green. Don't worry, we all were at some point."

Character Sheet
Name: Nico White
Age: 22
Gender: M
Nationality: American
Appearance: White skin, 5ft 11in, Red eyes, short white hair
Bio: Born in Oklahoma Nico spent most of his childhood hunting with his his family in the american Midwest. When he was nineteen he joined the military and 3 years into his service he was transferred to Xcom.

Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Kilo-3 ( War Hammer)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Costs 5 will)
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 2
Willpower: 0
Charisma: 0
Perception: 7
Luck: 4

Wilhelm smiles sinisterly "I'm more than ready for the invaders." He finished suiting up and picked up his own rifle, Berlin in Germany was the first city to be hit by the aliens however it reported as a bio-terrorist attack. The rest of the squad seemed prepped for battle, Natalia with long red locks of hair and spoke little, Shiba was more fascinated with aliens than many xcom soldiers and at times would not be quiet. Volfango stood in front of the door, his grizzled face donning a thick black beard and mustache "We may have not been a team for much long but I know we will out perform all others. Time to bring down the hammer." XCOM squad were put on a priority system, the best performing squads were sent out more frequently and incidentally were paid better.

7,024 posts

Name: Scott Richards
Age: 26
Gender: M
Nationality: England
Appearance: White, Tall, 1.90m, Blue Eyes, and Slick black hair.
Bio: Used to be a hired gun. The only life he knew until his boss tried to have him killed. Barely escaping with his life, he decided he needed a greater cause. He was spotted by a Council representative and signed up for XCOM trials. Immediately surpassing many of his peers, he stood out and was accepted into XCOM

Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Echo-1 (Dire Wolves)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Costs 5 will)
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 7
Intelligence: 4
Wisdom: 2
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0
Perception: 4
Luck: 0

Looking for areas of available cover, I try my best to silently and slowly move closer to a container on the left. Realizing there is better area coverage from there, I check the rest of the available area for cover for my squadmates. There is some protection ehre and there, possibly useable too. I signal my teammates and the squad leader, with a doubtful look, indirectly asking him to give the order for us to move out.

5,291 posts

Character Sheet
Name: Axorez
Age: 19
Gender: M
Nationality: England
Appearance: White Skinned, Short and brown hair, Small build, 170cm tall, Blue eye
Bio: Adopted by a well-known family as an only child. He got good formal education. After giving it some thought, he decided to join XCOM, and passed with little problem. He can't lead for worth, is a little childish, and isn't the best at combat.


Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Given later)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Charlie-3 (Bull-Dogs)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: costs 5 will)


Strength: 0
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 6
Wisdom: 5
Willpower: 3
Charisma: 0
Perception: 2
Luck: 0

"That'd be my reason i'd hope i can fit well." I wait for his response. If there's no response, i say "Well, what're we doing here?"

442 posts

Character Sheet
Name: Nico White
Age: 22
Gender: M
Nationality: American
Appearance: White skin, 5ft 11in, Red eyes, short white hair
Bio: Born in Oklahoma Nico spent most of his childhood hunting with his his family in the american Midwest. When he was nineteen he joined the military and 3 years into his service he was transferred to Xcom.

Lvl: 1
Health: 100/100
Will: 100/100
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Kilo-3 ( War Hammer)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Costs 5 will)
Strength: 0
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 2
Willpower: 0
Charisma: 0
Perception: 7
Luck: 4

"Hell yeah let's send em back to what ever hole they crawled out.." I say with enthusiasm. "I'm nico by the way. I'll be the guy who probably saves ya a couple of times but I'm sure y'all will return type favor."

9,363 posts

Name: James O'Neil
Age: 27
Gender: M
Nationality: Ireland
Appearance: Short brown hair leads into a neatly trimmed beard. His blue eyes always seemed to look through a person rather then at them. He stands at six foot and weighs approximately thirteen stone. He carries himself with confidence and holds his weapon with ease, not his first time carrying a gun.
Bio: James always knew he was going to join the army, every man in his lineage had been, all the way back to his great-great-great grandfather. Since he was old enough he trained to join the army and use that to further himself into other special forces around the world. He had run training exercises alongside China's Special Operations Battalion, the Irish Army Ranger Wing, the Russian KRO and the American Joint Special Operations Command. When XCOM came looking for soldiers James was top of the list. He was trained with every weapon under the sun, mounted turrets, explosives, snipers, rifles, machine-guns, knives, pistols. He never bothered himself with a commanding roll, it was offered to him in the past but he knew that wasn't where he'd be most effective. He tended to leave the thinking and research to those who knew what they were talking about, only really worrying about the battle-field, that is unless some suit or lab-rat started suggesting battle plans when they had no boots-on-the-ground experience.

Lvl: 1
Health: 115/115
Will: 110/110
Inventory: (Mk.1 Shen Assualt Rifle 60/60, Dmg 2-4; Kevlar plate Armor, DF + 2; Kova Semi-Auto Pistol 12/12, Dmg 1-2)
Rank: Rookie
Squad: Delta-2 (Hell-cats)
Class: (Assigned after level 5)
Abilities: Hunker Down (Increases defense and evasion for 2 turns: Cost 5 will)

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 1
Wisdom: 3
Willpower: 2
Charisma: 0
Perception: 4
Luck: 1

"Even as a sniper you have to be able to take someone down if they get too close right? Though, I'm guessing your gonna be a nester right? Find a spot, sit their all mission, steal our kills?" I say laughing, "Well if theirs a rivalry then you better keep your kill tally in order, see who can down more of these aliens per mission." I casually say smiling, knowing I've most likely just given them their battleground for their rivalry. "Hahahaha, hell-cats? I can roll with that. So if she's CQC, he's the sniper, what are you then?" I ask turning towards Clark.

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