ForumsGamesColony Weekend Parties

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Hello my Armored Knights!

Some of you might be asking ... What is Colony?
Well, back in the day, it was one of Armorgames' most popular games, as it was one of the first to offer online multiplayer, both PvP and against CPUs. For single player, an equally great campaign was included. It was a new RTS game, a tribute to Starcraft, and extremely well received. You can play it here. *click*

Never heard of it ... What happened?
Hackers have The game has been engulfed into the abyss by hackers, and while the problem seems to have been taken care of rudimentarily, the community has not regathered ever since. With just a little bit of love, Colony's fate could have been averted. However, to that time, our beloved Armorgames did not have the resources to do so. And for today, there simply are not enough players to warrant a hacker eliminating project of such size. Colony remains dead.

Why do you want to change that?
Prior to the attacks, Colony had been a fantastic community: A spreadsheet had been made *click*,
Clan sites had been established *click* and tournaments had been organized. *click*. The process of them dying out has been very painful, and it would be a shame to let such a great community vanish into oblivion. Furthermore, the chances to rescue the old values and to bring the game to its former glory are close to nonexistent. Several revival attempts have been initiated ever since, with little success. And that is why I am now mobilizing for a smaller, but more efficient achievement: Colony Weekend Parties.

What are Colony Weekend Parties?
This thread is like Colony's Town Centre. Players can specify time and date where they can play on and find other players. They can gather up to four players and carry out the games they have been wanting to go for ever since the attacks. These games do not have to be carried out on weekends, the date is entirely up to the group - However, on every weekend, I will get online. Ingame, I will be choosing 3 players that ready to play, and together we will be playing a round of the from now on weekly Colony Weekend Parties. These will be recorded and uploaded to Youtube. Here is our Playlist! *click*

My goal is not just Colony's Revival, but also setting a symbol for its existance. Join me in the first ever Colony Weekend Party!

| #001 - Saturday, 21st of June, 2014 | Colony Weekend Party


CWP #001 - Deltalaser999 + Sum0fNothing VS Neym4rJr + Daikenkini | EGF [remove this] watch?v=VleMGec8IXg

CWP #002 - dastert + BlackFire44 VS Daikenkini + eachday | EGF [remove this] watch?v=-j-z7VE87X4


  • 2 Replies
3 posts

The game didn't die because of hackers engulfing the game. Hackers were just a small problem for most people.

It died because it was abandoned by the developer, has become buggy, players got older and eventually moved on to bigger and better games, and there is no more advertising for the game.

Its not on the featured strategy games list. the only way for a new person to discover it is by this thread or randomly clicking on it on page 20 or so in the strategy games list

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