I'm trying to get into an old AG account, but the email address associated with that acct is dead and password reset emails are spinning off into space lol. I sent an email to AG Support support@armorgames.com but got no answer. Can anyone here help me out please?
Five days ago I requested help, Armor Games, and you haven't responded. Is this the best you can do? It's not like I'm asking for the impossible; five minutes of key punching and problem solved. Whaddya say?
@ValerieKrill It's a gaming convention/exhibition that they've been putting alot of effort into. I don't think they'll physically be in office for a while, or even responding much to email and stuff.
In any case, they don't work on weekends if I'm not wrong, so there's even more days off.
@ValerieKrill Please send me an email at MrDayCee@armorgames.com from the email address you want to use for this account named 'HawgDawg'. I will then exchange it for you and you can reset your password once it is done.