ForumsForum GamesThe Unbreakable Wall Game!

4 3635
1,148 posts

H2P: There will be 3 modes to this cool and crazy forum game. Mode 1: Standard: Try to get to the other side of the unbreakable wall! ...except one thing: the wall is monitored by 4-dimensional police! Yep! Find a way to sabotage the police WITHOUT being caught! Also, the unbreakable wall is infinitely long. So no going around it! Your goal is to get to the other side of the wall, collect the treasure and safely return without being caught! (If you get caught, you must KILL DEM)
Mode 2: Future (Easy Mode): Warp to the future where you will find many... er... futuristic things! In this mode, there is no treasure at the other side of the wall, but after you step there, kill as many Police as possible to gain maximum Karma! (5 Police Total)
Mode 3: ??????
1: No spamming!
2: Stay on topic!
3: No copying ideas!
4: One post OR question is allowed per page for each player!
5: Rules may change without warning, so be wary!
Group Bank: Everyone will start with 10 Karma! It will be given to them from the Group Bank. If the Group Bank has less than 10 Karma left, new players won't receive 10 Karma! Please, be generous and donate to the Group Bank. Players that have already received 10 Karma cannot receive any more Karma from the Group Bank! Enough Karma and new features unlock!
Current Karma in Group Bank: 20
Total Karma Donated: 0
Total Karma Spent: 10
Donation Milestones:
50 Karma: ?? ???? ????? ??? ????????? ???????
100 Karma: ?? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????
250 Karma: ??? ????? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????
500 Karma: ??? ????? ????'? ????? ???????
1000 Karma: ???? ?: ?????? ???? ??????
1500 Karma: -?? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ? ????????????? ?????? ????? ??? ?????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????
2000 Karma: ??? ??????'? ????? ??? ????????? ?? ?? ????? (???? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???)
3000 Karma: ????? -??? ????? ???? (?????????? ???? ???????? ?????) ??? ?? ?????????? -??? ????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?????
4500 Karma: ?? ????? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ??? ????? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ? ?????? ??????
6000 Karma: -?.?? ???????? ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ???????, +?.?? ????? ???? ????? ????? ??? ?????? ???????
9000 Karma: ???????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ??? ??? ??????? ????? ?? ?
15K Karma: ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ?? ??? ???????? ??? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ? ????????????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ??????? ?? ????? ???????
25K Karma: ?!?!?
40K Karma: ?!?!?
65K Karma: ?!?!?
100K Karma (??? ????? ?????????): ?!?!?
1M Karma (??? ???!): ?!?!?
10M Karma (????? ??????????, ???): ?!?!?
100M Karma (??. ??. ???. ????? ??? ???): ?!?!?
1B Karma (???? ?????? ?? ****): ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
??? (????????*??) Karma (The true final, ultimate, epic, super duper OMG Milestone): NEVAR!!!!!
ABOUT EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES: Every 10 wins of Standard Mode, an extreme circumstance will appear! They can be anything from booby-trapped treasure to 10-dimensional police! If you fail any one of these games, you are PERMANENTLY out of the game! However, if you DO win, your name will be placed on the Wall of Fame, and if you lose, your progress will be sold on the Shopping Mall of Shame! To buy a player's profile, you must pay 50 Karma. You get 1 Karma for making it to the other side of the wall, an additional 2 Karma after collecting the treasure, an additional 1 Karma for all police you have killed, lose karma for breaking the rules (unknown #) and an additional 21 Karma after beating an EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCE wall!
Guide (Edition 0: About Guides): Guides will NOT be wrote by me. Instead, they will be wrote by other players! (Of course, with the exception of Edition 0.)
Guide (Edition 1: ???? ??? ??????): ?!?!?
Rewards (?!?!?): ?!?!?
Patch Notes:
V1.0: Release!
Other Info Be Happy! Have Fun! And don't rage after losing with a creative idea that you can't use anymore because you already attempted it! And also, rage after failing to an EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCE! ONE OF EITHER COMMENT/QUESTION/ATTEMPT PER PAGE PER USER!!!!! (Unless you have express permission, A.K.A. Moderators and Admins! 5 Express Passes can be traded for Express Permission!)
Shopping Mall of Shame:
Mr. In-Stock: 1 Extreme Circumstance completed, 30 Classic games completed, 10 Futuristic games completed, 5 ??? games completed
Wall of Fame:
MOST TOTAL KARMA: doqck (34)
MOST KARMA: doqck (34)
MOST KARMA DONATED: riku_ullman (30)
MOST KARMA SPENT: riku_ullman (30)
riku_ullman (Ultra, Admin, Master Donator, Master Spender)
doqck (#1, Karmaster, Super Karma)
doqck: 34 Karma, 34 Total Karma, 0 Karma Donated, 0 Karma Spent, 10 GB Karma Spent, 1 Classic Game Completed, 0 Futuristic Games Completed, 0 ??? Games Won, 0 ??? Games Lost, 1 Extreme Challenge Completed, 0 Profiles Bought, 3 Express Passes, Status: Playing

  • 4 Replies
1,318 posts

um... i silently dig a tunnel to the other side

1,148 posts

@doqck: The police doesn't seem to notice... They almost did, though! The treasure is small, so you grab it and get out of there. You later hear about how a unknown robber has stolen the treasure. Success! Future attempts won't be so easy, though... +24 Karma!

3,075 posts

I grab my trusty sword and attempt to sneak around the wall, looking for an entrance of some sort.
If i can, I'll wait for them to change shifts and then exploit the gap,silently slitting the throats of any sleeping guards while I'm at it.If I'm seen, I'll turn around and run out the entrance and far away from the police.

If i don't find an entrance within 3 miles of my start location, I’ll give up and go back to square I.

59 posts

I start with grabbing my gun,daggers,and backpack,in case, and I sneak up to a tower.
If there is not a tower I cause a diversion and climb up while they are distracted and kill any police there where I come up and sneak toward the treasure and fill up my backpack and sneak back.
If I'm seen, I run,run very fast,as well as stab and shoot.

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