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(This is a closed game for a group who I am forming please do not post if your not in it)

Dim cyan green lights flicker on the rusty tables and bar of The Black Peril tavern located on the void docks in Port Wander. A thickly black bearded man wipes a glass with a dirty rag. One other patron sits keeled over snoozing with a half spilled beer mug in one hand. The barkeep looks towards you “What’ll ya have?”

You're drawn here from a message on the imperial networks about a bounty on a familiar greenskined face, Badzappa. Here you hope to find comrades with a similar goal on hunting down this wily ole ork who has been pillaging the galaxy for the past fifty years.

  • 118 Replies
2,081 posts

(After Doom's post)
I glare at the man. "Well, Jonstonne, I am sorry for trying to be polite. Yes, I am not from the same society as the people here but, to tell the truth, anybody's social skills can get a bit rusty from being stranded on a xenos planet for years. Despite what you think, I was going to offer this woman a ride, if necessary. I do realise the implications and danger, now that you mention it. I accept your apology but you could be a bit more polite."

(Remember that, although I have had experience of higher society, the imperial guard and xenos, I have had no prior experience of this type of place. Have I worked this in well?)

(After Kat's post)

I turn from Jonstonne and, resuming my amiable tone but with slight irritation from the interruption, say "As I said, you may journey on my ship if you wish. I would clearly understand if you don't but, the offer is there" I rise from my seat, and turn to go back to my original seat.

7,024 posts

"If you came here for politeness, then you are a pretty bad at judging places by their looks...and the regions they are in. These are the Outer Systems, Mate. People who are 'polite' around here will only ask you to hand your belongings to them while threatening you with a stubber. The rest will just kill you and take them anyway. I am surprised everyone here has resisted the temptation to do just that when you entered. The fancy uniform and that Power Sword can sure fetch a good price if you know where to sell them. But I am not one of these types" I say half-cheerfully.

"At any rate, I didn't catch any of your names" I say to both the man and the woman sitting next to me. "And that would put you at an unfair advantage over me, since you know about me a lot more than I do about you." I finish my little speech, blinking the eye to these two people.

2,081 posts

I turn and say "My name is Victris Sarvus" before turning away again.

7,024 posts

I turn to Victris and say: "Oh. Turning your back at me eh? I wonder which one really is the lady here. You, or her?", tilting my head to Unna,, the smile never leaving my face.

"Now, in all seriousness fancy-pants, I hope you can fight. You may need to stop some of the scum around here from getting any bright ideas. I suggest you take a look around."

After that, I turn to the woman who identified herself as Unna and say:
"Nice meeting you Unna mas Cerveza. And speaking of the devil, a trinket for you, if you can guess the reason I entered your fine conversation."

2,081 posts

I am glad to see the the woman's trust and say, "Yes, Unna, my plan is to find the Ork and kill him. Not much, I know, but don't know enough to plan any more. I will be honest. I am new to to this society, these people and between the imperial guard and the xenos, I haven't really had much experience of any of this" I sit back down and stare at the bar for a moment before, without looking away from the bar, saying "I need friends. As Jonstonne pointed out, trustworthy people aren't Common around here."

2,081 posts

I am comforted by Unna's admition. "I don't really know what I am doing. I suppose that I am a bit desperate. You have no reason to trust me, but..." I pause for a moment. "Do you want to join me? To Hunt Badzappa? Please?" (Charm, 42/41 -10 for situation, pass)

2,081 posts

"Really?" I say, struggling to hide my joy. I try to focus. "Well, uh, we better find out about what Badzappa has been doing and where to find him". I look around the bar (61/41, fail) "I don't know if we should speak to someone or not. This is an awkward situation. We can't just shout 'anybody know where Badzappa is? We want to kill him', can we?".

7,024 posts

"My my, I wonder who else is interested in Badzappa. How can we find him?" I say sarcastically and putting on a sad face.

"If you are interested enough on something that you risk coming to places like these, then there is one thing you should know. A lot of people probably had the same idea."

2,081 posts

I turn to Jonstonne. "You aren't the nicest of people, but I suppose that that's not bad compared to many here. "You clearly are after Badzappa too, so what do you know?"

7,024 posts

"Heheh. Only that our Big Mek has been through here, possibly readying his own Waaagh. I also know that he is not subtle, preferring loud and brutal methods. Pretty much basic knowledge about him. But if you are looking for knowledge about him, try asking the man over there." I say, pointing to the big man sitting some chairs away.

(Perception test 17 - passed)

"I think he is after the very same Big Mek. And he's been idly listening to our conversation all this time. Maybe he is keeping a low profile, but probably hoping to gather some info and find people who are pursuing the same goal"

2,081 posts

(Quitely) "You should approach him, Jonstonne. You clearly now these sorts of people better than either of us."

1,828 posts

(Failed Awareness Test[49 vs 41] to hear the conversation)
No longer able to hear the conversation well the large man moves over to the bar and asks the bartender "Do you know who sent out this bounty on Badzappa" in a monotone low voice, he shows the bartender a bounty listing on his data -slate, the listing has no name just an address and a time meeting here in about 40 minutes from now

The bartender hands the customer another drink and shakes his head "The fellow that posted that didn't give a name but he was outfitted like one of them Adeptus Arbites."

7,024 posts

(Perception test: 72 - failed)

Not being able to listen to his conversation with the bartender, I apporach the man casually. Time to figure this out.

"So, guessing that you are after badzappa may have been correct on my part. It's the reason I cannot yet fathom though. I am Jonstonne Khreygond. And we appear to share a goal." I say to the man, extending my hand to greet him.

1,828 posts

The figure looks blankly at the man who approached him, "Reasons not important I just need to find the Ork, that is why I am hear to find any leads on the Ork. He was last sighted here in Port Wander the Machine Spirits guide us."

(sorry if i cannot really narrate like a tech priest :P)

7,024 posts

"Oh...nice to meet you too then mate" I say casually, moving my extended hand back in its original position.

"So...a techpriest, apparently. The Machine Spirit guides us." I reply with the same tone in my voice, tilting my head slightly to show the techpriest that I hail from a forge world as well. "What have you discovered so far? We know the Ork has been through here, but do you have any idea where he was headed next?"

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