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Welcome to the game of chaos!
Quick version of it all is, we just received the newest Mk II "Whirl" Paradox Engine! Yayy! Now this one comes with a console and an editor to allow the user to manipulate the created world directly, as well as a built-in Random Number Generator. The thing functions by having its computer generate an entire world, completely made up of variables. Every single thing, the color, orientation and dirt in the pavement tiles, the wind's direction and speed, the dust, every aspect of the computer-generated world is defined by countless variables. The user gives the order through the console and the random generator does its job, that being, it "generates" a random number. Then the computer fills all the variables in the game world by replacing the variables in the equations with that number, defining all the aspects of the world at once. Of course, no matter how clever and complicated the equations may be, one number cannot define a whole world, which is exactly what generates the paradox. Some variables in the world are changed so much with that number, that they cause impossible things to happen. The paradox occurs and the operators have to maintain it by restarting the random number generator, in order to change the variables again. The Engine feeds off the paradox as long as it is maintained, it basically runs onto it The device produces excess energy based on the numbers drawn from the RNG though. And like every device it has a threshold of optimal performance. If the excess power is exceeds 750 kWs, the device will overload and a hard restart will be required.

1) Each player rolls 2 six sided dice, one for Randomness and one for Severity.
2) Then, the next player makes a post detailing an event, something happening in the game world
3) The next player also rolls the dice, so the player that comes after that has to do the same, etc etc.
4) The objective of the game is to count to 750 by adding the above player's Randomness and Severity rolls to the count.


-player 1: 1. All is calm as we are sitting on this lovely beach, watching the sunset
[rolls 2 for randomness and 6 for severity]

-player 2: 9. Suddenly, a massive wind brews up, churning up massive waves! :O
[rolls 5 for randomness and 1 for severity]

player 3: 15. The sky starts raining bananas. They are tasty
[rolls 3 for randomness and 4 for severity]

player 4: 22. Until a gorilla comes out of the sea riding on a shark and going after the falling bananas, trampling all in its path. Run!
[rolls 6 for randomness and 6 for severity]

player 5: 34. A pink colored Death star with 8 Super lasers instead of one comes out of Hyperspace and enters Earth's orbit, simultaneously firing rainbow colored beams to every other planet in the Solar System.

And so on.

CORE RULES (These rules have to be followed by every player when the conditions are met.)

World Reset When the players reach 750, the game world is reset. The next player to post AFTER the count reached 750, has to start anew with a new natural world of their choosing. It could be a calm beach, a tropical jungle, a busy metropolis, anything.

3 Consequent Doubles If 3 players roll doubles one after the other, the next player to post must restart the count and reset the game world.
P1 -rolls 2 Randomness 2 Severity- P2 -rolls 5 Randomness 5 Severity- P3 - Rolls 3 Randomness 3 Severity- P4 Restart

B2B In the case of Back-to-Back posting, a huge cubical block is inserted into the game world. The player to post after the B2B has to describe the cube appearing into the game world, or falling from the sky and how it interacts with the world, its inhabitants, objects, etc. The description as well as whether the cube falls into the game from the sky or appears in it out of thin air is all the player's choice. Whether to take the previous player's roll into account or not when describing the cube's appearance is also the player's choice
P1: 17. Humans are being chased by a tyrannosaur [rolls 2 Randomness and 5 Severity]
P2: 24. The tyrannosaur is stomping the humans! [rolls 6 Randomness and 1 Severity]
P1: 31. The tyrannosaur is suddenly turned into a flower! [rolls 3 Randomness and 2 Severity]
P2: 37. The humans stop wondering what has happened [rolls 6 Randomness and 6 Severity]
P3: 49. A giant Cube falls from the sky, crushing the humans that stopped underneath, as well as the flower that used to be the tyrannosaur. The birds stop mid-flight dead shocked from the fall of the massive object [rolls...]


OPTIONAL RULES (These rules only describe possibilities for the players. You may choose to follow them or not when the conditions are met for their application)

Post edits This direct intervention in an aspect of the computer generated world turns one of the world's variables into a constant. Constants last until the world is reset and cannot be moved, erased or altered in ANY WAY no matter what happens. The poster AFTER the edited post, and only them has the choice to turn an object or group of objects in the game world into a constant. This means THAT player could make the trees/dust/water/fish/a specific bird/anything invulnerable and impossible to interact with until the next world reset.
Constants will be continuously added to the OP so that all players know which objects are impossible to be altered. For quicker results, you can @ summon me to your post when you turn something into a constant.
P1 -edits post- 60. A floating mechanical laser cannon is flying in the jungle as fast as it can while firing everywhere because it heard cubes are falling from the sky now [rolls 4 Randomness and 5 Severity]
P2: 69 (60 + 4 + 5). The direct intervention in the device's settings by the operator above has caused the world's trees to become intangible. The laser cannon's shots fail to cause any damage to the trees or set them on fire, while the cannon itself crashes onto one such tree. [Rolls...]

Mistakes A mistake causes the deletion of one of the game's parameters. It can be anything from the list below:
a. Posts with no number
b. Posts with a wrong number
c. Posts with no dice rolls
d. Posts with wrong dice rolls (wrong type of dice, wrong amount of dice)
The player to post after the mistake and ONLY THEM, has the ability delete a single object or group of identical objects from the world of the game. This object or group of objects can be anything except a constant.
P1: (no number while they should have included the number 45 in their post.) The remaining humans panic after they hear that cubes are now falling from the sky and try to make a run for it [rolls 5 Randomness and 4 Severity]
P2: 54 (45 + 5 + 4). Due to the mistake of the operator above, the ground beneath the humans' feet vanishes into thin air and they are suddenly found constantly falling into the Earth! [Rolls...]


Additional note:

- You may roll both of your dice simultaneously, but you have to specify which is which (see below)


I'll start:

It is just another fine day in the bustling city. People are going about their business, the traffic is unbearable, the skyscrapers magnificent and the weather seems nice and sunny.

Randomness_Severity = 3



1. Cubical block #1

3 = Randomness_Severity
  • 169 Replies
16,463 posts

But then the angry spirit of the neanderthal manages to dominate fire and use it against the humanity! EVERYBODY RUN! R = 6 S = 4

6 = R
4 = S
7,024 posts

Fire demons form from the flames slaughtering humans and neanderthals indiscriminately!

One particularly big fire demon, launches fireballs all over creating a ring of fire around lots of humans, neanderthals and demons. They are all trapped inside the ring!

R = 3
S = 4

3 = R
4 = S
7,024 posts

However a rock pillar collapses in front of the humans
The fire Demon comes closer, commanding his horde as well

R = 3
S = 3

3 = R
3 = S
16,463 posts

Then, the demon attacks the humans with Fire, but before that, a Fire resistant robot jumps in front of the people, making them less burnt R = 3 S = 3

3 = R
3 = S
1,229 posts

Meanwhile, the neanderthals have managed to boost each other the flames and joined forces with the demon to take revenge on the humans. The Fire Resistant robot is quickly overcome and the humans are trapped, with nowhere to go.

Randomness = 2
Severity = 2

2 = Randomness
2 = Severity
16,463 posts

But then, it starts raining and humans can't be set on fire! R = 5 S = 3

5 = R
3 = S
7,024 posts

The Fire Demon creates a Volcano, turning the rain into a storm of ashes. Visibility is reduced and Humans and Neandertahls alike are slowly choking, but the demons are recovering their corporeal forms

R = 2
S = 6

2 = R
6 = S
7,024 posts

(What do you think of adding a rule to spice things up? I was thinking to make the world reset every time 2 doubles are rolled consequently. So on a double 3 followed by a double 1 for example, the world would be reset, starting with another initially calm and natural world, which depends completely on the next player to post. You could make a city, a calm beach, a wild forest, whatever )

The Earthquake cracks the Earth, Humans, Neanderthals and Demons are all underground again. The Volcano's lava comes from here though, the heat's exhausting. While now protected from the Ash, the heat from the lava is even more disastrous.

Left with no choice, the humans stand and fight.

R = 5
S = 2

5 = R
2 = S
16,463 posts

And fortunately, a GIANT fire resistant robot created by other humans come and help them against the demons! R = 5 S = 3

5 = R
3 = S
16,463 posts

The dragon gets angry because the weather is not hot enough, and he increases global warming, making most of the ice melt and sea level rise! R = 1 S = 1

1 = R
1 = S
7,024 posts

The Dragon swoops in and burns neanderthals, humans and demons alike. Its flames are so hot even the Fire Demon is destroyed by them. Almost everything is obliterated as the dragon proceeds to assault the rest of the planet.

R = 1
S = 6

1 = R
6 = S
16,463 posts

As no one was strong enough to stop, he easily killed everything he saw... few people in the world are still alive, we need someone to save us... R = 6 S = 2

6 = R
2 = S
7,024 posts

I've made some new rules. I want everyone's opinion on them though as they will change the game by a lot.

2 Consequent Doubles: In this case, the world is reset. The next player has to describe a new calm or otherwise natural world of their liking

~ ~ ~

B2B: Such frequent uses of the console of the paradox engine from 2 users alone cause a minor lag in the paradox. The device automatically runs the #0AD45FF Debug Command, also known as 'Ex Machina'. To return to a more stable phase, a huge cubical block is dropped from the sky, or randomly appears within the world of the paradox. It may crush things underneath or attract the curiosity of the world's inhabitants. Whether it falls from the sky or just appears is player determined, as well as how the world reacts to it at first. The cube can be used in subsequent posts too. The roll of the previous post may or may not be taken into account, which is again the next player's choice, when describing how the world reacts to the cube that fell from the sky.

P1: gorillas hunt for the humans at the depths of the forest [rolls]
P1: a coconut is dropped from a tree onto a human's head, knocking them unconscious [rolls]
P2: A huge cube falls from the sky but gets stuck in the trees of the dense forest above.

P1 - P2 - P1 - P2 also counts as B2B. So in that case, the next player to post will have to describe the Cube 'ex machina'. Even if the B2Bs are chained together, like P1 - P2 - P1 - P2 - P1 cube post - P2 - P1 - P2 - P1 cube post.

~ ~ ~

Energy Production The Engine feeds off of the energy from the paradox. But too much produced energy can overload the engine, which like most devices, has a threshold of optimal performance. To represent this, every player will have to multiply the previous player's R and S together and add the total to the count of "Kilowatts" produced. This will turn the game into a counting game though. That's the part I have doubts about. When the count reaches 750 kilowatts or so, the device overloads and a restart is required. So the world is reset.

~ ~ ~

Constants addition: When a post is edited, it means someone directly intervened within the device's settings. Our paradox faces a stability risk. The device automatically runs the debug command #0DX10BB also known as 'Constant addition'. The world of the paradox is completely made up of variables. The random number generator integrated in our paradox engine merely assigns a value to those variables based on the rolls of the players. But as it is a computer world in its entirety, controlled through the console, there are times when failsafes must be triggered. Game wise, the poster AFTER the edited post, and only them, has the ability, should they choose to, to add a constant in the game world. This means that they may choose to make anything in the current world invulnerable and utterly intangible. Any single thing or group of identical things, be it trees, group of animals, group of humans, all of the world's trees/humans/animals, speck/s of dust, air, water, can be made into a constant, which will make it impossible to be moved, destroyed, erased or altered in ANY way until the world is reset. Whether a new constant is spawned or not is entirely up to the next player who posts, as well as how that interacts with the rest of the world initially, whether to take the previous roll into account or not, etc. Constants will be continuously added to the OP
so that everyone knows at any given moment what the constants of the current world are.


P1 (edits) the laser cannon fires a massive beam which turns most of the trees in the forest into cinders and starts a forest fire [rolls]
P2: Due to the use of the editor from the user above, a new constant is added into the game. The trees that have not been burned yet are turned into a constant. They cannot be burned or altered and as such, the forest fire stops. [rolls]

~ ~ ~

Deja Vu: The device runs on continuous variations of the paradox's elements. But if that chain of RNG usage is broken, the paradox becomes unstable. The variables themselves are designed to shift continuously, without a roll in every post, the paradox is in danger as it's world may get torn apart by dragons, destroyed by a giant sea wave, etc. Fortunately, the new device comes with another automatic debug command, #0DV29TT also known as 'Deja Vu'. In case of a mistake, the next poster completely ignores the post with the mistake, and picks up from one post behind. So the only direct effect in-game is that posts with mistakes are ignored, including the events they describe, as the world is shifted one tiny moment back in time to restore stability. A mistake is any of the 4 things below:

1) Wrong number counted - if the counting rule is accepted
2) No number counted - if the counting rule is accepted
3) Wrong dice roll - like rolling 20 sided, 4 sided, anything but 6-sided dice, rolling the wrong amount of dice, not labelling the rolls, etc.
4) No Dice roll

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Additional Possibilities:

- The Deja Vu can take place on a specific roll, like R 3, S 5
- Instead of the deja vu, mistakes can cause a deletion of one of the game's parameters. This can be anything but a constant. So a post with a mistake can, instead of simply being ignored let the next player decide on what to delete from the world as the device checks the paradox's stability. The next player can delete anything that is not a constant, be it the air, the sky, a specific cloud, the fish, a volcano, all the buildings, anything, provided that it has not been made into a constant by another player beforehand. Deletion takes place instantly and without any effect, as if something simply vanishes in a mere nanosecond. This can cause a variety of reaction from the rest of the world's elements, all player determined. This would mean:

i) if the post is edited and the mistake is fixed, only the editing rule would take place. The next player will have the choice of adding one constant to the world. If the counting rule is accepted, the count loses 100kWs as usual
ii) if the post is edited and the mistake is not fixed, or a new mistake pops up, both rules take place. The next player will have the choice of adding a constant to the world, as well as the choice of erasing something else in their post, choosing whether to take the previous player's roll into account or not. The count loses 100 + 10 = 110 kWs as the paradox engine runs both debug commands.

If the player chooses not to do either of those, the count must STILL lose 10, 100, or 110 kWs in each situation respectively. As the world is made up by countless variables, the paradox engine may turn one of those into a constant without a direct effect in the game. It would be a constant that seemingly has no effect in the world but is still there, one constant behind millions of variables that goes unnoticed. The same goes with deletion. If the next player chooses not to erase something, then it would mean the paradox engine deleted a tiny variable that cannot possibly be found within the created world. What's one variable compared to millions of others? xD Remember, only the next player has the power to choose for any of those, so it is entirely up to them and final after that player chooses. Of course, nothing's stopping you from intentionally making more mistakes in the hopes of provoking such reactions xD

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

These are the rules I've thought so far. The most interesting about them is that you can intentionally cause mistakes like B2B or edit just to see what happens xD I wanted to enforce the sense that this is basically a computer generated world which the players control through a console integrated in the paradox engine But as you can see, they will change the core gameplay by a lot, so I would like your feedback on this. Should I add all the rules? No? Which ones should be added and which ones should not?

Thank you for bothering to read this wall of text Thanks to Eldu for sitting there and watching me think out loud about rules for hours, as well as often providing helpful feedback )


Rays of light strike down from the sky and hit the dragon, which does hurt it a little, but mostly just pisses it off

Randomness = 3
Severity = 6

3 = Randomness
6 = Severity
2,081 posts

The sun starts firing more than just rays of light, but blasts of super-heated plasma at the dragon! These mostly miss, causing vast amounts of destruction to the land below. Also the above stuff looks good, but it really needs to be simplified into a summarizing section. The way it is now is a bit too complicated.

R_S = 5

5 = R_S
7,024 posts

@KatPryde @Eldunari17 @Swarmlord2 @armorplayergc I've updated the op with the new rules. If they sound complicated, focus on the core rules. The optional ones are there to spice things up. You can cause mistakes intentionally in the hopes of provoking the spicy reactions xD

Unfortunately the problem is that our old paradox engine has to be scrapped now. The new paradox engine is not backwards compatible with the old paradox so we will have to start a new one Oh well, at least the planet got almost destroyed. Let's see how well we will fair in this one

I will start:

It is raining as always in the ever reaching tropical jungle. This night's thunderstorm does not sound as anything out of the ordinary

R = 5
S = 4

5 = R
4 = S
Showing 121-135 of 169