Forums → Forum Games → Island under a godly dome V2 [RP/RPG]
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Welcome to the island of Tulse. In terms of land mass it's approximately as big as Poland and has slightly less than 4 million inhabitants. The level of technology here is about the same as the one in the 15th century in our land. Mostly swords, bows and catapults are used for combat, however, muskets and cannons are slowly taking their place. All people here look just like humans, the only difference is in the eyes. The pupil is shaped like a vertical line and the iris is bright and has no texture (like a viper eye). This is how the island itself looks like on a map:
This island is isolated from the rest of the world by an invisible shell. Except for clouds, nothing can enter the interior of the dome and nothing can exit. If you travel a few miles away in the sea, you can even touch it. The dome doesn't let anyone outside see anything inside it, however, everyone inside can see what's outside - nothing, but an open sea. The dome is indestructible, no matter how much magic, weapons or bizarre items have been used against it for the last few centuries, it doesn't have a single crack.
Nobody knows why it's there or how it got there and nobody really cares. Some say it was created by someone, some say that the dome is the creator of everything in the world and has been there since the beginning of time. Thanks to this theory, mostly everyone has a religion based on the dome. A concept of an outside world has been thought of several times, but has not been properly explored.
There are 37 ruling factions on this island. Some bigger, some smaller, some stronger, some weaker. 36 of these factions had a 13 year long war before making a ceasefire agreement 10 years ago due to war exhaustion and massive inflation from debt. This truce ends in 2 days. All factions are building fortresses on their borders and spending everything they have on their military. A large war is coming and tensions are large.
There are 3 very important rules when playing this. These rules are the only reason this isn't a raw RP.
1. Your character is not allowed to be able to destroy, go through, change shape or influence the dome in any way.
2. You cannot choose the consequences of your actions.
3. Time travel (kinda) does not exist. You can slow time down, pause it or make it go faster, but you can't "teleport" to a certain period of time, nor can you travel back in time.
Application sheet:
Despite this being an RP/RPG, you'll only need to post this sheet once. Your "stats" may change as time goes on, but the changes are going to be either so important that you'll remember them automatically or so unimportant that there won't be a need to remember them at all.
Name, surname: [You can have multiple names as well if you wish, you can even use a dynasty instead of a surname if you want to be fancy.]
Location: [Open the map in paint, and highlight where you want to be located, if you can't manage that, we'll come up with some alternate methods]
Appearance: [I'll try to illustrate your character, so try to go in detail.]
Personality: [At least one line on this...that'd be lovely.]
Biography: [Life-changing events, important people, that kind of stuff. Anything that doesn't break the rules.]
Element: [Choose one: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Poison, Ice, Dark, Light, Physical, Void. Even if you won't use magic, you still require one.]
Quick note if you don't plan on using magic: The physical element doubles your physical strength, all of the other ones are magic-related.
Magical skill(s): [Whatever you want this/these to be. Can be something very simple like breathing fire, or can be something complex like controlling one's mind for a minute if you raise your left arm with your eyes closed. You can even give these abilities names if you so desire, or you can not have any abilities at all. Anything is acceptable as long as it follows the rules.]
You can skip this if you don't intend to use magic.
Since I don't want magic to be too overpowered, I'll nerf it down by making it as complicated as possibly I can. Let's start with the elements: Most are pretty basic except void. Let me explain - Void is an anti-magic element. A weak void particle can make a large hole in an entire ocean of magic generated water if used correctly, but there's an issue with void magic. It damages only magic. It can't do anything against physical things like animals, objects, plants, people e.t.c. And since mages are not a common thing on the island, void is proclaimed as the most useless element of all.
A very important thing is that a person's element is not actually all that important. This is because your element only affects the speed and efficiency of learning a magic skill. Just because you are water elemental, doesn't mean you can't learn fire magic. It will just take a longer time to learn.
Depending on the complexity, one magical skill usually requires a several weeks to learn, if it's from a different element, it takes about several times longer.
There is also a good reason why mages are a rare thing on the island. Let me explain: everyone has this thing called 'mana', I'm pretty sure you all know what it is. If a magic ability is used, it takes away a certain amount of mana. This amount depends on the power of the magical skill. The problem is that people have different amounts of mana. Some have more, some have less, some don't have any at all. And if you happen to use up more mana than you have, it will start draining your blood, disable body parts, destroy your lungs and so on. Since nobody knows how much mana they have, using a magical skill for the first time results in death or permanent damage on one's body about 6/10 times.
There's much more info about magic that I haven't explained, but this introduction is already long enough, so let's move on.
This info is based on the things that the island's inhabitants say about them.
This faction thinks that the dome has a creator, and that creator is supposed to be the one everyone should obey. They fight to enforce this new religion and enslave/kill/imprison anyone who thinks otherwise. Those who agree with them need to pay taxes for them, so that they can donate that money to their so-proclaimed god. Most people believe these are lies, and those who say these speculations out loud are immediately considered infidels and are treated as such. Nobody is allowed to leave the Crusader lands. Their army has a total of 5600 soldiers, 32 transport ships and 22 battleships. They have the worst military technology on the island and don't have a lot of mages to compensate, but their soldiers are very brave and have a never-ending morale. They have a rather solid economy despite most of their land being on the desert. This is because they're the only faction with gold mines in them.
Vermile's Empire:
The most powerful faction of all. They have 9300 soldiers, 74 transport ships and 52 battleships, as well as the largest land mass. Magic is often used in their wars. They simply fight to control the island. Nobody really knows what will happen if they successfully do it and this mystery terrifies everyone. Most of their lands are very undeveloped, but what really helps their economy is their alliance with Clarity.
The most supported faction of all. They want eternal peace on the island and want to achieve it by invading the Crusaders and Vermile's Empire. Unlike any other faction they have a council of seven people. Every four years two people are voted to leave the council by the faction's citizens and two are voted to replace them. This confirms that people's interests are important to this faction. Despite being the most populated, they're actually the poorest of all. They never have enough money to supply their armies and people, resulting in terrible fortifications, broken equipment and lots of diseases within their inhabitants. They have 6300 soldiers, 40 transport ships and 14 battleships. Mages are very common due to the population.
Holy Indra's Alliance:
A union of 31 small factions in the south west to defend themselves from Vermile's expansion. None of these factions are allowed to fight each other, and if anyone outside the alliance attacks one of the factions, the rest will be called in the war. Not only that, but the Guardians have a direct alliance with them as well. Each one has different amounts of soldiers, varying from 100 to 1500. All of them together have a total of 6100 soldiers, 20 transport ships and 37 battleships. They only have about 20 mages in their army.
Best economy on the island, in terms of technology they're about 40 years ahead of everyone. They're the only faction that uses muskets and cannons as main weapons for combat. They have several layers of thick fortresses all over their land, their army has 2000 soldiers, 50 of which are mages, 10 transport ships and 56 battleships. The army is constantly fully funded and is ready for war if anyone ever dares to attack them. They're the only ones that have never participated in a war, because they have great relations with literally every other faction on the island and nobody really wants to mess with them because of the reasons mentioned above. They have no ideology, resulting in them being the most stable on the island.
Cess and Leija are the factions with the diplomatically worst situation. Their defeat once the truce ends is obvious. It's only a matter of who takes them first. Cess is in a slightly better situation, though, because Crusaders have threatened Vermile's Empire with war if invade Cess. Leija's army consists of 1200 soldiers and 10 battleships, whereas Cess has only 300 soldiers and 2 transport ships.
This is how all the factions look like on the map:
The little blobs on the map are capitals of the factions. The ones in Holy Indra's Alliance have the capitals named after the factions. And yes, there are capitals that are located directly on borders.
And that's as brief as I can get with the story. If you have anything to ask, put it in [these brackets, so I know it's meant for me].