ForumsForum GamesCorrupted Wish-Granting

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(I'm not sure if this is, or was, in these forums before, or now, but it's a fun game that I know of, so I'll be putting it on here)

Corrupted Wish-Granting
is a forum game where a user grants the wish of the above user but does so with an evil twist & then makes a wish of their own.

The Rules (Will be subject to change, frequently)
These rules remove many possible problems

Follow These Steps
Use the quote function on the wish section of the previous user's reply
Grant the wish (saying something along the lines of "wish granted&quot
Corrupt the wish (see examples)
Make a wish (it doesn't matter what it is, as long as it follows The Rules)

You must corrupt the granted wish

Your corruption must be evil/anti-beneficial/negative/bad

Your wish must be beneficial/positive/good

You must see &quotosted 5 hours ago" on your last grant/wish, before posting a new one (after reloading the page)

You may not make a wish entailing "I wish my wishes weren't corruptible" or something similar

You may make your wish as complicated as you want, but only within 2 paragraphs (A.K.A: no absolutely huge walls of text that granters are too lazy to read)

You may not wish to be omnipotent/absolute/everything/God/etc. (though you may wish for things like having a guardian god or being a god, as long as it is not all-powerful)

You may not break any of the AG rules (you can find threads listing them in the "Feedback" section of the forums)

You may not make multiple wishes in one, only specifications

You may not make multiple corruptions in one, only specifications

The Example
OP: I wish for a candy bar.
P1: posted 7 hours ago
"I wish for a candy bar."
Granted, but it's melted.

I wish for a puppy.
P2: posted 4 hours ago
"I wish for a puppy"
Granted, but it has rabies

I wish I had superpowers
P3: posted 4 hours ago
"I wish I had superpowers"
Granted, but they're only the power to see through your own reflection,
and the power to generate freckles easier

I wish I had a pet potato
P4: posted 2 hours ago
"I wish I had a pet potato"
Granted, but touching it will give you cancer

I want a spaghetti taco
P1: posted seconds ago
"I want a spaghetti taco"
Granted, but you must suck an egg for 3 hours straight

I wish for a large, mountable, tame monkey
and it goes on...


I want the ability to create pocket dimensions

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