ForumsForum GamesVote to Kick | Voting & Discussion

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Voting Thread Purpose
Use this thread to discuss and vote who to kick. You don't need to vote right away, you may try persuading others to vote. If you vote, you cannot change or undo your vote. Please follow this template when voting:

@SirLegendary (tag me so I see that you casted your vote)

Voting to kick: (username)
Reason/s: (state your reason for voting this user out)

How to Play

There will be five to ten users (depending on how many sign up within 1 weeks). Every week users will vote to kick any one out of the group. The last person standing wins! How you survive depends on you and how you interact with the other members of the group. Discuss who to kick, vote, then he/she shall be kicked.

Simple sushi!


Please read carefully:

- No Flaming to get someone kicked, if you do, YOU WILL BE KICKED.
- Keep things in good spirit, if you don't, YOU WILL BE KICKED.
- Once you're kicked, you're kicked. THAT'S FINAL.
- Once you vote, you cannot change your vote.
- You may have more than one reason to vote for someone.
- This is not a popularity contest. Kick anyone.
- In the event of a draw, we will flip a coin to determine who's to be kicked out. If there are three or more users, we will roll a dice.
- If all users have voted before the round ends, the round will end.
- Once you are kicked, you cannot vote until the finals. Read the rule below.
- During the finals, all participants who have been eliminated will be called back to vote for the last kick.

Signed up!

1. @Loop_Stratos
2. @Doombreed
3. @MattEmAngel
4. @HahiHa
5. @Chryosten
6. @armorplayergc
7. @akshobhya
8. @red303
9. @shafaet
10. @BalkanRenegades


End of the round results/Spreadsheet


  • 208 Replies
8,256 posts

Hear ye, hear ye!


Good people of Armoria, we need your votes! Forget about the imperialistic elections in this bleak thing called real life, where votes get you elected instead of kicked (what a strange world, I say!). We need your votes here! This contest deserves a proper final, and only you can make it happen! Say no to boring dice roll decisions and make your reason count, whatever it may be! This is a free kingdom after all ^^

16,463 posts


Voting to kick: Doombreed

Reason: I know Ha is the only mod here, but Doom is the only knight, and as Ha was already voted in the last round by Chryos for being a mod, I'll vote Doom. what a tough decision

7,024 posts

I agree with Ha's inspiring speech ^^ we need your votes to resolve this conflict Arguments have been laid down, your opinion has been asked for. It's time to bring this showdown to an end

16,585 posts

(Deleted my last post)

To be more precise, I will wait until Saturday till I end this season and announce the winner.

482 posts


Voting to kick: HaHiHa
Reason: Because I'm feeling tempted to vote since it's the last round and I'm not sure who I should be voting for getting kicked, and of course for the obvious reason that he's a Mod

7,024 posts

First Tie-breaking vote dropped But nothing is over yet xD Let's see what the rest of the players have to say without reading into our debate and eventually just voting randomly

8,256 posts
7,024 posts

Look! He even changed his armatar for you ...again xD

7,024 posts

So it all comes down to this in the end eh? Psycho vs Hydro? xD

Well, let me clarify. I love Hydro Hydro was my very first class and even my first Legend run in Sonny 2. It is a great class with very interesting possibilities. But come on...compared to the power of Darkness, everything misses the mark in this game. How can any class fare against the one that destroys it all? with the greatest number of viable builds, the largest amount of devastating combos the 2 most awesome elements (Shadow and Lightning!!!) and the coolest abilities in the game (Epiphany, Nightmare, Free Will, Shock Therapy, Electrical Storm, etc.)?

@HahiHa so this is how it ends You are the Hydraulic, which is a really great thing, honestly but, I am the Psychological xD you had no chance

(Excuse the double post, the round is almost over, I had to post something)

8,256 posts

Picking an armatar fight wasn't my intention To be honest, I am a total layman in all matters related to Sonny. You're probably right about everything you said there. Let me just make two arguments in favour of the Hydraulic:

  • It matches my armatar mod frame;
  • Aaaabs!

So, there you are. I think we are pretty even now
16,585 posts


I'd say this round/season is about over now (thinking this is all the votes we're gonna get).
Signed Up:

Eliminated: @HahiHa

1. @/Loop_Stratos
2. @Doombreed
3. @/MattEmAngel
4. @HahiHa
5. @/Chryosten
6. @/armorplayergc
7. @/akshobhya
8. @/red303
9. @/shafaet
10. @/BalkanRenegades

The Winner of Vote To Kick: @Doombreed

Congratulations! If you check underneath your bed, you will have won a Cthulhu for your own use and purposes.

8,256 posts

Ah well. Pity I can't kick all those unfunny people who didn't show up in the final round. Or can I...? Nah, that would be abuse ^^

Congratulations to the winner! Not sure if winning this game can be truly 'deserved'*, but it was a good duel anyway. Have fun with your Cthulhu

*edit: this is just an allusion to the randomness of the reasoning in the game, so please don't take this the wrong way!

7,024 posts

Congratulations! If you check underneath your bed, you will have won a Cthulhu for your own use and purposes.

Gosh! So that's why I've been feeling something staring at me from under the bed and occasionally woke up covered in slime-- *bleurghh* You could have asked me before placing it there Legend, jaysus xD Anyway, at least I know what it is now, it should prove enjoyable the next days.

Congratulations to the winner!

Thanks, I also believe it could have gone either way up until the end But as far as debating goes, we had some of it. I liked that. Some interesting points and though I've lost the debate about usernames, the other ones were a bit more ambiguous So great work making it

Have fun with your Cthulhu

I intend to. Thanks. So many ways to annoy people with this ^^

this is just an allusion to the randomness of the reasoning in the game, so please don't take this the wrong way!

Hey you don't have to explain it to me man Even if there was a way to misinterpret it, I wouldn't. In fact I am with you on this. And actually, to take it a step further, I doubt all 5 players who did not vote were busy for the entirety of the final round, which lasted 2 weeks There was plenty of time, we had a pretty good debate and all we got were 3 semi-random votes. But, oh well, they did not vote me at least, so I guess I can forgive them for not voting at all

(jk. Seriously though, I believe most could have and should have voted. Not saying I was expecting them to, in fact I kinda expected the outcome we had, but Legend made it clear in the discussion thread that this is how the final round will go. All those who signed up knew it, rolled with it and checked the box. Then they got @ summoned numerous times here and asked for their opinion directly and indirectly. But, oh well. Can't force anyone If they lost interest, well, I guess we will need a more reliable and fair way to decide the outcome of the final round for the next season if we ever have one.)

Showing 196-208 of 208