Hi, I posted this already today but the message seems to have vanished.
I can't find chat. The new help pages reference it, but there isn't a link on how to get there. There isn't a forum post that I have found explaining it. There aren't links on the main page or on the game pages.
There should be a white (or colored, if you chose a theme) bar at the bottom of every AG page.. If you can't see it, try finding a white button on the down right corner and press it.
Or, it might be disabled, so go to your settings page and see if the global chat bar is enabled.
I wonder if the ol' rebooting trick works here too... try to disable the chat in your settings, save, then go back to your profile and enable it again. Maybe then it'll be back?
If not can we get what OS and Browser (including the version # please) you are using to play the game? Also are you comfortable with sharing a screen capture of the whole web browser/game tab for us to look at?
I do not see a little expand box. I've tried it in different browsers on Windows 8. I will work on a screen capture tomorrow or in the coming days. Right now its time for sleep.