Got 4 of the quests yet, all unlocked without any problems.
But i noticed two minor things @MrDayCee
- i got the "Get 7 Fortune Tickets" not when i got my 7th ticket, it unlocked after i used it.
- As here in the thread the picture for the last quest not shows up (Quest-description shows up when hovering over the square).
6/6. Short, funny and easy (even if a little bit grindy) game.
Like Unleashed said, the counter for 7 Tickets increments after spending, not getting the tickets, so I'd clarify that in the description.
I was also admittedly a bit surprised after getting the Kill 3 Big Bosses quest after finishing only 21 levels, and my first thought was that the last 3 levels are probably just infinite modes. IMHO, the "End Bosses" part of the description is a bit misleading, because, well... end bosses are usually in the final levels?
And a question, did somebody get an extra slot/artifact from the fortune wheel after unlocking all of them? If so, what happened?
@helpo1 I also got the Kill 3 Bosses quest before finishing all levels. In my experience and opinion, that must be because the quest is triggered after defeating at least one of each type of 'boss' creature (which is not really a boss, just the toughest enemy variant). I hadn't even finished one of the three levels in which the boss enemy first turns up; it was enough to kill the enemy, even if you lose at a later wave.
@MrDayCee I have a possible bug with the Max Army quest. I unlocked the last slot right after finishing the very last level. Apparently, merely unlocking and manning all slots is not enough, though; I have not yet gotten the quest, even though I tried reloading. My guess is that one would have to actually use the full army in a battle to trigger the quest, which I can't do since I have no more levels to play :/ And it would be a bit tedious to repeat the whole game just for that. Any ideas?
@UnleashedUponMankind I fixed the image right after you posted about it. Thanx!
As far as the '7 Tickets' Quest goes, I changed the Quest description into 'Spend 7 Tickets' now.
@helpo1 See abovementioned for '7 Tickets' Quest.
Changed the description of the 'Kill 7 Bosses' Quest now.
And I got 7 more keys to open slots (both chests as well as fortune wheel prizes), but nothing happened. Probably intended this way.
@HahiHa Are yoou sure about not having to win with a victory for the 'Kill 3 Bosses' Quest? If so, I will further edit the Quest info on that one. Please let me know? Thanx.
And I have no idea about the problem you faced with the Army size... I can award it to you if you want? Unless... you feel like playing the game once more to the end?
@MrDayCee About the Kill 3 Bosses quest, I said what I think is the issue. Here is what actually happened in my case:
So you encounter the big enemy creatures (white ape, big tree and cannon rhino, right?) the first time in the second to last level round. I finished the forest level. Then I tried the snow level a few times, got past the ape but always lost at the last (5th) wave. So I tried the volcano level, and when I beat it I got the quest, even though I had not yet beat the snow level. I cannot remember if I got the quest immediately after beating the rhino or only after beating the level, though. Still, I had yet to finish the last round of levels after beating the snow level. So either way, I believe the "finish the levels" part of the quest description is inaccurate.
As for the Max Army quest, I just wanted to point out that this issue may arise. I suppose it is an issue only the game dev could properly fix for everyone... thanks for the offer, but I think I'll play the game a second time and hope for the best
It's not intended as a peskery mentioning @HahiHa , but... I finished the game with ... ahem ... 7 extra keys from chests and the fortune wheel combined... Sorry dude...