ForumsForum GamesWhat are the Odds?

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42 posts

So, this is a game I sometimes play with my IRL friends. It's pretty fun, so I've decided to modify it to work as a forum game.
Here are the rules: You post a message saying "I think the odds are 1 in *choose sides of the die* of someone rolling a *choose a number* and doing *insert what you want them to do here*. Also, roll a dice for the previous question. If the number the next poster rolls is the same as the number you guessed, they have to do it, if it's reasonable. (I expect most will) If it is different, they don't have to do it.

The odds can be between 1-400, as this is the roll minimum and maximum. If the odds are worse than 1 in 20, several dice can be used. TO CLEAR UP SOME CONFUSION, ODDS= NUMBER OF SIDES ON DICE. Please only ask people to do reasonable, fair and fun challenges that stick within site rules, to keep the game friendly.
Anybody who wants to can play!
Also, I just want people to know that this my first forum game, and it is also JUST A EXPERIMENT, so if it doesn't work out, I can always try again.

I will start to make a example. There is 1 in 10 odds someone will roll a 6 and post a poem on a Warden/Mod/Admin's profile.

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7,024 posts


There is 1 in 20 odds someone will roll a 4 and mention their dislike of this concept here with a later post that has no odds, dice or specified thing

2 = 1d6
Showing 1-1 of 1