Ok now that i have Macromedia Flash 8 I'm ready to start making a game. The only problem is i have no clue where to even start. I'm not even sure what button to press when it starts up. I tried a couple of tuts on Newgrounds but those didn't start where i want them to.
When it starts, file > new > Flash file (AS3) Press F9 Type:
trace("Hello World!"
Anything inside quotes is considered a string, a number of characters. Now Ctrl+Enter
You get, 'Hello World!'
trace() is a built in method of AS3. A method is a subroutine that executes a piece of code and can be called countless times. In this case, trace() outputs the argument (the stuff inside the parenthesis) to the output window. If you do not know what a certain method does, highlight it and select help and Flash will show you the documentation for that method.
Also try some basic math in the trace like: trace(5+5); trace(5*5); trace(5-5); trace(5/5); trace(5^6);