P.S. @Hardstrike VSauce is not a single guy... Michael Stevens is the host/personification of VSauce, but there's lots of other people who work on those videos, don't discredit them.
@Leonardo I never watch those youtube personalities, I just heard of them, like Pewdiepie and many others. But if it was to follow your logic, HowToBasic would also be a lot of people, and not just some naked guy washing himself with ketchup and milk.
@Hardstrike Is it embarrassing to know that you just "@..."ed a random person? To be fair, they haven't done much on this website at all. Also, theoretically yes.
Nah not really. I would like it to be tagged randomly into convos and say "Who has summoned my spirit?" In fact I'll tag some more random people @Potato@Facebook@Pinata@Realistic@Tag
You know, most people on AG dont even know we have forums. This is a great way to invite them here.