ForumsForum GamesHow FishPreferred Are You?

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Mark your calendars! Clear your schedules! Defragment your hard drives and install those updates!

It is time for How FishPreferred Are You?

As you may know, Gantic will not be available to do his usual schtick this year, thus it falls to me to continue this weird tradition of quantifying your similitude to some vague standard through a series of convoluted and seemingly arbitrary tests.

Sign-up is open until 10 spots are filled, or until September 9, whichever is sooner. You may wager any number of Gantic Points you like, but they will be disregarded because Gantic Points have no relevance to this game.

1ʭ Hardstrike
1ʭ MattEmAngel
1ʭ Yellowcat
1ʭ hafaroman
1ʭ Coral42
1ʭ Boofuss
1ʭ Moegreche
1ʭ PLGuy
1ʭ Swarmlord2*

*Additional entry, because Hey, why not?

  • 284 Replies
543 posts

Poland pls dont spoil my encryption, cause u already know the trick I used xD

4,755 posts

So the number to MattEmAngel's game is here:

Your post with the number is in this thread.

Your post @FishPreferred - number in the brackets. I happened to look there a while ago and I somehow remembered that there was 7 digit number. Darn working on memory pays off xD

3,171 posts

@PLGuy it doesn't matter. The point is that you came up with different methods.

4,755 posts

@MattEmAngel he also posted it on the thread with maps and that's where I found the needed number.


So I can just post right now everything that is needed to get my answers? Not everyone posted their answers yet...

543 posts

I'm impressed of your efforts Matt. I always liked those RPG games and I cant imagine how hard is to make one. Too bad your answers are.. idk.. they may be right

4,755 posts

@FishPreferred I don't know about people posting answers after we reveal our codes... 1 person already revealed his answers anybody that I meant can change them now. I'll wait until noon of GMT-4 tomorrow.

3,171 posts

The two people who haven't answered won't be answering. I checked.

543 posts

I just realised I messed up the order of the answers when encrypting them, but meh, I wont edit anything. It is what it is

543 posts

Anyway here's the way to get my answers:
Read them questions and then look at my codes
3311 (Sry, I need to modify this one because I messed up when counting and it does not make any sense.. you may allow or not this change Monsieur Fish)

Let's take 3311
First 3 is the number of the question. Second 3 is the number of Fish's possible answer (in this case C).
First 1 is the first word in the answer's sentence (This case 'Away'). Second 1 is the number of the letter in the word

Therefore my answers are: A A B C C
None of them are correct ofc

Thank you dear competitors and Mighty Fish

3,171 posts

@PLGuy Your answers appear to be B, C, B, C+D, and [blank], but I'm not sure if I'm reading these instructions correctly.

4,755 posts

@FishPreferred Wow that is really impressive... You solved my riddle like a boss. I'll just put the whole explanation:
Y is: acbrgl dt ncgfzvda
Z is: acbrgl dt E jdcazdan sldb ^ hai ztga <
T-Rex = Z-Lge
OK so it was theoretically possible to guess this code - our host nailed it. I made a new alphabet by mixing English alphabet, so knowing 4 letters other could be checked + guessed with some intuition (and much effort :-P) Here's the part of this alphabet needed to encrypt the clues (left side are the counterparts from English alphabet):
n = a
u = c
m = b
b = r
e = g
r = l
o = d
f = t
x = e
t = z
i = v
g = n
h = t
q = o
s = f
a = h
d = i
c = j
acbrgl dt ncgfzvda = number of question
acbrgl dt E jdcazdan sldb ^ hai ztga < = number of X counting from ^ (up) and then < (left) and that means that the numbers of X were what succeeding:

y and z axes are just to make confusion.

And now the formula: Start = X(Y*Z)
Start is starting position for a certain question in a certain place.
For first question: X(2)
So to know where to start somebody needs to break 2 on Y and Z. Y is known right? Y = 1 for first question. So Z = 2. Starting X is X2.
2nd question: X(4) = X(2*Z)
Z = 2 so starting X is X2 (pardon for lack of the lower index)
That was the case for every question - all answers start from the same position.
And here are my answers with explanation (don't have time to draw the way):

1. B
2. C
3. B - when turning 90 degrees three times right = left or on a roundabout with 4 roads left will be 3rd on the right for the driver (note that not in GB and other countries with LH traffic). Perpendicular to Z might be X- which is left when we look on a traditional Cartesian coordinate system but also X+, Y- and Y+ are perpendicular to Z and aren't on the left side. Long story short I had no idea :-P
4. C,D - Answers C and D eliminate themselves. Then A and B are in a loop, A states false itself and ans. B while B says that A is true. They both can't be true and they both can't be false - they are together a paradox of contradictions.
5. [blank] - lack of answer is my appropriate response for a command or instruction that is posing to be a question. Rest were questions this last one is a command so I just rebelled and refused to answer.

3,826 posts

@FishPreferred - You should have my answer (in the same location that you get @ notifications). I got a weird screen when I submitted them, so let me know if you don't have them. And if the format makes it too difficult to read, just reply to the submission and I'll fix it.

3,171 posts

@Moegreche Those don't work for me. I'm not sure if they ever did. Where would this be exactly?

7,024 posts

that location being your email @FishPreferred That's where @ notifications go

3,826 posts

Since I'm travelling and I'll be away from a computer until after the deadline, I'll just copy/paste my answer below to ensure you can access it, Fish. Sorry for the length.

What is the most correct way to respond to a multiple choice question that provides no correct answer?

A: Choose the next best thing.
B: Refuse to answer.
C: Guess
D: Ask for help

While I hope that my students would choose D, that would be a self-defeating answer in this particular case. I'm forced, then, to choose A.

The most correct response is: A


What statement must logically be correct?

A: Answer C is true.
B: Whatever remains, if anything.
C: Answer A is true if answer E is not true.
D: Logic does not apply here.
E: None of the answers given are correct.

Let's start with D, because it's deceptively tricky. It involves what's called an indexical ('here') that is ambiguous. It could mean (1) here, as in that particular statement or (2) here as in the entire question. Since (2) is patently false (C can be captured in a formal logic system) we can safely conclusion that D is not logically correct on this reading. As for (1), the statement becomes self-defeating and thus cannot be correct. So 2 need not be logically correct.

We can easily ignore B as there's no clear way to capture this logically. Putting this as a clear conditional, we get: 'If anything, whatever remains.' This fails to carry any semantic value. The key question is whether the statement *must* be logically correct. There are domains of interpretation under which this statement *could* be correct. But it certainly doesn't follow that such statements *must* be correct.

Let's now turn to the relationship between A, C and E. We'll start by making the assumption that E is correct--i.e. that A-D are all incorrect (we'll also give a charitable reading here that E is not self-referring and thus self-defeating. As we'll see, this assumption ultimately won't matter).
With that assumption in place, we have E as a true statement. Looking at C, we can reformulate this as: If E is not true, then A is true. The problem now is that the conditional that is C is going to be necessarily true; any conditional with a false antecendent will be true. It doesn't even matter whether A is true or false. Since C is now necessarily true, we have a contradiction with E, which says that none of the statement are true. This tells us that our assumption that E is correct is false!

With E being false, that means at least 1 statement must be true/logically correct. Looking back at C, the antecedent is now true. Just a reminder, C says that 'If E is not true, then A is true.' For this statement to be true, then, A must be true.
Of course, this statement could be a false one, which would be that A is false. A says that C is true but, as we've seen, having all false statements would result in a contradiction, since this would end up making E true (and we've already seen that the state of affairs there results in a contradiction). The only logical possibility is to make C true, which would imply that A is true.

Thus, the 2 statements that *must* be logically correct are: A and C.


Which direction is left?

A: Perpendicular to the z-axis.
B: Three rights
C: Away from the centre of mass.
D: Tangential to the surface represented by the equation 1=x^2 + y^2 + z^2
E: Other, please specify

The answer here is E: Other, please specify.

Since 'left' requires a preferred reference frame (which is disallowed on the Standard Model), the question must mean left as in 'remaining' or 'left over'. In this case, there are an infinite number of directions remaining--in particular, extra-dimensional directions. For ease, I'll just stick with an n-1 dimensional line that would be tangential to an n-dimensional sphere, where n > 3.


Which statements below are not true?

A: Answers A and B are false.
B: Answer A is true.
C: All answers except D.
D: All of the above are true.
E: None of the above are true.

Statement A must be false, since paradoxes would ensue. This also implies that B is false as well. Answer C (on a charitable reading) says that D is true, which would contradict C. So C and D are both false. E, however, is a true statement--A-D all fail to be true.

The statements that are not true are: A, B, C and D.


If an instruction or command appears to be posing as a question, choose the correct response.

A: Treat it like a question.
B: Refuse to answer.
c: Is this a trick question?
D: LOL u nOOb
E: Ignore this last option. It does nothing.

This item itself is an instruction that appears to be posing as a question. The key phrases here are 'appears' and 'posing'. In other words, it appears to you as if the statement is pretending to be a question, but isn't. A more ordinary example of this kind of statement would be, "Could you shut the door?" or "Can up pick up some milk on the way home?" These are commands (really, requests) that appear to be posing as questions, but they're not actually questions.

Of course, one could be wrong in this assessment. But in order to remain consistent with one's beliefs, we should exclude A. Treating it like a question would be a ****** move and would be inconsistent with what you believe. This fails on the criteria of moral and epistemic correctness.

It turns out, though, that on any reading of the question, the correct answer is C. This could be a meta-level question (one which refers to itself) which would mean it's a trick question, since it's formed as a trivially true conditional. But if there is genuine confusion about the status of a question, then C would still fit with one's beliefs and moral duties when asked to do something.

So the correct response is: C

Showing 76-90 of 284