This is a battle of the sexes. If the poster is male, he will add 1 to the number above him and then make a comment of any sort he wishes. If the poster is female, she will subtract 1 from the number above her and make a comment. If the number reaches 0, the girls win. If the number reaches double the starting number, the guys win. For instance if we start at 1,000, the guys win at 2,000. Please always leave a comment with your number so it doesn't devolve into just another counting game. Comments obviously make it much more interesting.
All forum rules apply. Keep the comments civil. No double posting.
We will start with:
1,000 - This game can be really fun and a good way to have ad hoc conversations.
Amended Rules
All of the above still applies EXCEPT:
• Girls may now subtract 5 per post owing to the fact the forum demographic is skewed so much toward males.
• Each new game will begin at 50 until further notice.
• Turncoats are allowed. Meaning you may post for either gender regardless of your own gender.
50. Hmm... @sciller45 are you by chance sewing something? Can you make me a pair of gloves when you finish? Nights are kinda chilly and my hands are freezing when doing job with ropes.
Gosh, what takes you so long and why are you trembling so funnily?
43. In Polish we always put commas before "który" = which, that; " ponieważ" = because and so on. You use it when there are independent clauses, conditionals etc. I admit I have problems with differentiating inconsistent rules between these two languages. That doesn't mean that I can't improve, though
Comma party:
Commas, are beauties,
Put them, everywhere, you can,
Because, they, like it.