Welcome to this brand new and unsolicited contest! The Bard and the Scribe’s contest consist on two categories: poetry and short stories. Here are some rules you must follow in order to participate:
Post only original content. If it is discovered that you have plagiarized, your poem/story will be disqualified.
Keep it family friendly: no offensive material.
Write in any style that you may like, but stick to the theme. Also, remember that a short story should be, as its name says, short (1000-2000 words maximun (less that 1000 will also be fine; although I'm NOT going to count words. This is just a rule to avoid stories of more than 5-6 Word pages).
Theme will be different in every round and each round will last for a month.
There will be 2 winners per round, one for each category. When the winners are announced, I’ll flip a coin and one of the winners will choose the next theme. If the result of the coin is tails, the winner of the poetry category will choose; if it is heads, it will be the winner of the short stories category.
You can submit as many entries as you want.
You can participate in both categories and, therefore, there is a chance in which one person wins both categories.
As there are two categories, you should write in which one you would like to participate, as well as writing a title. Example:
Poetry category “Title of the poem” Poem itself
Currently the only thing you can win with this contest are bragging rights. However, if any mod offers to hand out the merit/quest to winners, I’d be more than pleased.
Be creative and good luck to everyone!
I sit in the pale glow from my monitor as I type rapidly.
This is My Space.
Not THE outer space, mind you, but all the same a dark place where, if you are patient enough, can float in the darkness for hours, watching your ideas swirl around you.
It's pretty cool.
It's a location known only to me (and a few dust bunnies), where fake plants can turn into giant redwoods, and a few pebbles of kitty litter can turn into a vast desert.
Anyways, this is my space, the place where I come up with ideas on the spot, weaving not-so-fabulous tales of monsters and magic.
also, this is where I look at memes.
There's this one game site, which I recently found out has a bunch of forums for poetry and stuff. I was really into it for a while, but then I just kinda forgot about it. Thanks to an email that said that I was mentioned, I was led back to this place of extraordinary authors who create incredible things that I could only dream of.
Maybe you would like it.
Go check it out.
Here's the link.
Good luck.
-The Cat
@DaTCat47 I'm really glad to hear from you and that you participate here! But, please, add a titlte and mention in which category you'd like to participate. Thanks and hope to see you more often around here
Well, I'll finish the round now... What a disaster! XD
Thanks for participating @DatCaT47 and @abcdragon66. I'll write the review of your writings and say who has won as soon as I can
1st work title: Alone
Where grass die as you walk, Skies darken as you see it. When the silence speaks instead of words and words may not be heard.
(lol, am too lazy to write a new poetry hence I reuse one of my work on another forum https://forum.elyssiamc.com/members/xiazixin.1555/)
2nd dream sweet dream
snowfalls, followed by the people.
peoples fall, on top of the snow.
drip froze in the cold,
deep asleep in the snow.
dream sweet dreams,
dreaming sweet potato.
(sorry a bit dark. I wrote this years ago, 1st time publish online.)