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As the back of the wagon opens up you see a town completely run down. It's practically a ghost town. You see one building that appears to be an Inn that has noise coming from it and lights are on, so as you enter the building you see an assortment of people just like you who came to this town at the rumor of the countless amounts of dungeons around the area.

Looking for riches and fame, or maybe to run from something or maybe some of these people are here just for the excitement. Whatever your reason is you may have to team up with others in this room.

As your thinking all this you see a large bearded man walk up behind the bar and loudly announces...

Good evening everybody, I am Boris and this is my Inn. I run the shops around town with my managers and will pay you for completing dungeons in this area. Now.... step forward and a team, and make your fortune!

You search around everywhere and begin talking to make a team.

Character Sheet

Name: Whatever you like(No numbers )
Gender: (Does not affect anything, just lets me know to use he or she in story)
Bio: Why did you come to this town?
Level: 1
Class: Warrior, Black Mage, White Mage, Monk, Chemist
Sub Class: Level up class level, can be changed with money in future.
Gear: (H): Head gear, I will basic gear depending on class
(T): Torso gear, I will basic gear depending on class
(L): Legging Gear, I will basic gear depending on class
(F): Footwear, I will basic gear depending on class
(R/L): Right and Left hands, I will basic gear depending on class
1.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L) You choose Name and Class(I will give backstory in future
2.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
3.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
4.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)


Warrior: Uses Swords, Maces, Spears, and sometimes a bow, begins with Light/Medium Leather armor, good for physical defense. If chosen tell me your preferred weapon.

Black Mage: Uses Rods, different rods will increase output of certain magic, begins with Dark robe that will increase magic defense. If chosen tell me your preferred element(Any element, I want this game to be lenient with different skills)(Ex. Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Light, Darkness)

White Mage: Uses staves that will increase healing magics, begins with White robes that will increase your healing output. (Not much to this class but very important do to only team healing class at beginning level)

Monk: Uses there fists and martial arts, can equip knuckles that apply more physical damage or magic damage, begins with light leather armor for increased speed. Uses some self healing magic and fortifying magic.

Chemist: Uses small daggers and can get around using different types of potion to get around the battle field. Can heal party members but must be close to said party member to trade potions. Begins with Light Leather armor for increased speed.

Sub Classes

Sub Classes will be added when your class levels up. You buy the sub classes later on from trainers to teach you skills and how to work your way around other weapons. 5 Sub Classes max and after that you can sell a class and all the skills you acquired to a skill master for gold.

Any questions ask in the comments in case I missed anything or your confused at all.

  • 44 Replies
701 posts

Name: Scorch (Her real name is a secret)
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist
Sub Class: None so far
Gear: (Do I decide about this or do I earn gear in game?)
Skills: None
Items: 500g

17 posts

Name: Scorch (Her real name is a secret)
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist(Level 1)
Sub Class: None
Gear: (H): Cloth Cap(+1 Physical Def.)
(T): Light Leather Breastplate(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(L): Light Leather Pants(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def, +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Dagger(+5 Attack)/None
Attack: 10(+5)
Defense: 10(+6)
Magic: 3
Speed: 10(+4)
Skills (To save space I will give info on the skill then delete in further posts, you can ask for a reminder at any time)
-Human Potion Master(Master): Master level Potion Master means you can create potions from the items on your person and can analyze all potions of Human knowledge.
-Daggers(Level 1)
--Backstab(If you sneak up on an enemy you can get one instant kill before the battle begins)

1.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L) You choose Name and Class(I will give backstory in future
2.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
3.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
4.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
Items: 500g, Health Potions(x5), Mana Potions(x5), Antidote(x5), Fire Bomb(x2), Ice Bomb(x2), Lighting Bomb(x2)

If you don't want to control a party it's perfectly fine, no change in the game will happen.
You can choose any class, and Name for them, they are considered random people that you don't know but if you any request for a specific backstory on them I'll probably allow it.


You approach Boris who is much bigger up close and looks to be very strong.

Boris: Aha, so we have our first customer. I'm guessing you want to start off right away with a dungeon? Or maybe you have a question about the town?

(Your choice for any decision you want to make, the A to D choices are just things you can say if you can't think of anything, and if you choose the below, you don't have to choose only one unless they contradict each other)

A. Enter a Level 1 Dungeon for a reward of 250G + Items found in Dugeon
B. Ask about why the town looks deserted
C. Ask about how you can learn more skills and buy better weapons

8,257 posts

Name: Giban
Gender: Male
Bio: Previously a town guard and now member of the Companions, a fighter's guild, this mercenary came here looking for fame, fortune and fun.
Class: Warrior (Level 1) [I'll pick the sword]
Sub Class: None
(H): -
(T): -
(L): -
(F): -
(R/L): -
1.Robard/Warrior/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
2.Ara/White Mage/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
3.Movis/Black Mage/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
4.Ysotta/Chemist/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)

701 posts

C. Ask about how you can learn more skills and buy better weapons

17 posts


Name: Scorch
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist(Level 1)
Sub Class: None
Gear: (H): Cloth Cap(+1 Physical Def.)
(T): Light Leather Breastplate(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(L): Light Leather Pants(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def, +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Dagger(+5 Attack)/None
Health/Mana: 100/15
Status: None
Attack: 10(+5)
Defense: 10(+6)
Magic: 3
Speed: 10(+4)
-Human Potion Master(Master)
-Daggers(Level 1)
Items: 500g, Health Potions{M}(x5), Mana Potions{M}(x5), Antidote(x5), Fire Bomb(x2), Ice Bomb(x2), Lighting Bomb(x2)

Boris: Well the town may looks all destroyed and run down and you'd be perfectly right, but I got some of my people coming in to help repair some of the town. If you finish dungeons in this area the country government will actually sponsor the town and allow new shops to open up and since all you dungarees are here I'll be sure to use that money for skills and item shops first. Luckily I already have some stock here of some smaller potions such as healing and mana.

A. Enter a Level 1 Dungeon for a reward of 250G + Items found in Dugeon
B. Ask about why the town looks deserted
C. Look at minor potions for sale(Small Health Potion 100G, Small Mana Potions 50G)



Name: Giban
Gender: Male
Bio: Previously a town guard and now member of the Companions, a fighter's guild, this mercenary came here looking for fame, fortune and fun.
Class: Warrior (Level 1)
Sub Class: None
(H): Iron Helm(+2 Physical Def. +Arrow Def Up)
(T): Chain Mail(+3 Physical Def.)
(L): Chain Leggings(+3 Def., -1 Speed)
(F): - Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def., +2 Speed)
(R/L): - Iron Short Sword(+10 Attack)/Small Wooden Shield(+5 Physical Def, -1 Speed)
Health/Mana: 100/100
Status: None
Attack: 15(+5)
Defense: 15(+13)
Magic: 1
Speed: 10(+0)
Skills (To save room in future posts I will give you description of skill then delete later, I will refresh if you ever need me to)
-Swordsmanship(Level 1)
--Piercing Slash (Will allow you to deal damage by 2.0x, if failed you deal 1.5x damage rather than 2.0, 5 Turn Cooldown)
-Shield Fighter(Level 1)
--Bunker Down(Increases Archer Defense by 100% for next attack, 3 turn cooldown)
1.Robard(150/10)/Warrior/Gear: Iron Helm/ChainMail/ChainLeggings/LeatherBoots/Claymore(Both)
2.Ara(100/100)/White Mage/Gear: WhiteCap/WhiteRobes/L,LeatherLegs/WhiteBoots/HealingRod(Both)
3.Movis(100/100)/Black Mage/Gear: DarkCap/DarkRobes/L,LeatherLegs/BlackBoots/FireRod(Both)
4.Ysotta(100/15)/Chemist/Gear: ClothCap/L,LightLeather/L,LeatherLegs/Leather Boots/I.Dagger/None
-500G, Health Potion(S)(x5), Fortify Potion(x1)

You approach Boris who is much bigger up close and looks to be very strong.

Boris: Aha, so we have our first customer. I'm guessing you want to start off right away with a dungeon? Or maybe you have a question about the town?

(Your choice for any decision you want to make, the A to D choices are just things you can say if you can't think of anything, and if you choose the below, you don't have to choose only one unless they contradict each other)

A. Enter a Level 1 Dungeon for a reward of 250G + Items found in Dugeon
B. Ask about why the town looks deserted
C. Ask about how you can learn more skills and buy better weapons(If you want,I posted this choice on the character sheet above)

8,257 posts

A. What remains of the town doesn't look like it's worth a second look. We'll talk about commerce once we have some coins to spend. Please show us to the nearest dungeon, sir!

701 posts

A. And I would like to join Giban.(Is this what you mean by team?)

17 posts


Name: Scorch
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist(Level 1)
Sub Class: None
Gear: (H): Cloth Cap(+1 Physical Def.)
(T): Light Leather Breastplate(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(L): Light Leather Pants(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def, +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Dagger(+5 Attack)/None
Health/Mana: 100/15
Status: None
Attack: 10(+5)
Defense: 10(+6)
Magic: 3
Speed: 10(+4)
-Human Potion Master(Master)
-Daggers(Level 1)
1.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
2.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
3.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
4.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
Items: 500g, Health Potions{M}(x5), Mana Potions{M}(x5), Antidote(x5), Fire Bomb(x2), Ice Bomb(x2), Lighting Bomb(x2)

Nah, Some games I would let multiplayer but do to being on armor games it doesn't go well.
So you make your own team and you can control all of them in the dungeons and I control there backstory

Boris hands you a map towards the dungeon you are to head to.

Once your in front of a Tunnel, it looks dark from the entrance and you can hear some growling coming straight in.

How would you like to enter the cave?

A. Dive right in
B. Light a Fire bomb at the entrance to see farther in
C. Other



Name: Giban
Gender: Male
Bio: Previously a town guard and now member of the Companions, a fighter's guild, this mercenary came here looking for fame, fortune and fun.
Class: Warrior (Level 1)
Sub Class: None
(H): Iron Helm(+2 Physical Def. +Arrow Def Up)
(T): Chain Mail(+3 Physical Def.)
(L): Chain Leggings(+3 Def., -1 Speed)
(F): - Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def., +2 Speed)
(R/L): - Iron Short Sword(+10 Attack)/Small Wooden Shield(+5 Physical Def, -1 Speed)
Health/Mana: 100/100
Status: None
Attack: 15(+5)
Defense: 15(+13)
Magic: 1
Speed: 10(+0)
Skills (To save room in future posts I will give you description of skill then delete later, I will refresh if you ever need me to)
-Swordsmanship(Level 1)
--Piercing Slash (Will allow you to deal damage by 2.0x, if failed you deal 1.5x damage rather than 2.0, 5 Turn Cooldown)
-Shield Fighter(Level 1)
--Bunker Down(Increases Archer Defense by 100% for next attack, 3 turn cooldown)
1.Robard(150/10)/Warrior/Gear: Iron Helm/ChainMail/ChainLeggings/LeatherBoots/Claymore(Both)
2.Ara(100/100)/White Mage/Gear: WhiteCap/WhiteRobes/L,LeatherLegs/WhiteBoots/HealingRod(Both)
3.Movis(100/100)/Black Mage/Gear: DarkCap/DarkRobes/L,LeatherLegs/BlackBoots/FireRod(Both)
4.Ysotta(100/15)/Chemist/Gear: ClothCap/L,LightLeather/L,LeatherLegs/Leather Boots/I.Dagger/None
-500G, Health Potion(S)(x5), Fortify Potion(x1)

As you head towards the first Dungeon you see a tower that goes straight up about 10 stories high, There are double doors at the entrance and no windows that can be seen.

How would you like to enter?

A.Rough and Strong
B.Send in an Ally
C. Other

701 posts

B. I light a fire bomb to see more.

8,257 posts

I ask Movis to light the way with a magical flame, and keep an eye open for anything to use as a torch. If we don't find anything outside, we enter together.

17 posts


Name: Scorch
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist(Level 1)
Sub Class: None
Gear: (H): Cloth Cap(+1 Physical Def.)
(T): Light Leather Breastplate(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(L): Light Leather Pants(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def, +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Dagger(+5 Attack)/None
Health/Mana: 100/15
Status: None
Attack: 10(+5)
Defense: 10(+6)
Magic: 3
Speed: 10(+4)
-Human Potion Master(Master)
-Daggers(Level 1)
1.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
2.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
3.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
4.Name/Class/Gear: (H)/(T)/(L)/(F)/(R/L)
Items: 500g, Health Potions{M}(x5), Mana Potions{M}(x5), Antidote(x5), Fire Bomb(x1), Ice Bomb(x2), Lighting Bomb(x2)

You light up the FIRE BOMB at the entrance, with your Potion Master skill you where able to keep it from unnecessarily spreading. You see 2 figures in the back walls of the cave there is a wooden door that looks beaten up and old. The 2 figures see the fire and begin moving at you quickly. The light shows they are GOBLINS which are not very tall about 1.5 meters tall and they are carrying Iron Daggers.

How would you like to fight?
(If you want your team, type out there info in the next post and I'll update your team roster)



Name: Giban
Gender: Male
Bio: Previously a town guard and now member of the Companions, a fighter's guild, this mercenary came here looking for fame, fortune and fun.
Class: Warrior (Level 1)
Sub Class: None
(H): Iron Helm(+2 Physical Def. +Arrow Def Up)
(T): Chain Mail(+3 Physical Def.)
(L): Chain Leggings(+3 Def., -1 Speed)
(F): - Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def., +2 Speed)
(R/L): - Iron Short Sword(+10 Attack)/Small Wooden Shield(+5 Physical Def, -1 Speed)
Health/Mana: 100/100
Status: None
Attack: 15(+5)
Defense: 15(+13)
Magic: 1
Speed: 10(+0)
Skills (To save room in future posts I will give you description of skill then delete later, I will refresh if you ever need me to)
-Swordsmanship(Level 1)
--Piercing Slash (Will allow you to deal damage by 2.0x, if failed you deal 1.5x damage rather than 2.0, 5 Turn Cooldown)
-Shield Fighter(Level 1)
--Bunker Down(Increases Archer Defense by 100% for next attack, 3 turn cooldown)
1.Robard(150/10)/Warrior/Gear: Iron Helm/ChainMail/ChainLeggings/LeatherBoots/Claymore(Both)
2.Ara(100/100)/White Mage/Gear: WhiteCap/WhiteRobes/L,LeatherLegs/WhiteBoots/HealingRod(Both)
3.Movis(100/95)/Black Mage/Gear: DarkCap/DarkRobes/L,LeatherLegs/BlackBoots/FireRod(Both)
4.Ysotta(100/15)/Chemist/Gear: ClothCap/L,LightLeather/L,LeatherLegs/Leather Boots/I.Dagger/None
-500G, Health Potion(S)(x5), Fortify Potion(x1)

MOVIS uses an uncharged FIREBALL(These use the same mana as a fully charged FIREBALL but only cause light but no heat) and levitates it around your party. Nothing appears outside but forest.

As you all enter the DUNGEON you immediately see 3 beasts. They are KOBOLDS, they are usually keen on using ambush tactics but do to no windows they couldn't see your FIREBALL Lantern. They stand about 2.5 Meters tall and look to be the Reptilian race of KOBOLDS.

There is a wooden door behind the two guard KOBOLDS.

How would you like to fight?

701 posts

I fight the goblins off with my daggers.

8,257 posts

Me and Robard stand as vanguard in front of the others, while Movis launches a fireball at the nearest Kobold.

Questions, are we in a room or a corridor? How well equipped/armored are the Kobolds?

17 posts


Name: Scorch
Gender: Female
Bio: Scorch's family has always been poor. Where she comes from is unknown(she is very secretive), bur recently her mother died. She decided to come here to save the rest of her family. She started learning about potions at a young age, and is very skilled at it. She is great at healing, so she knew she would probably be asked to join someone's team.\
Class: Chemist(Level 1)
Sub Class: None
Gear: (H): Cloth Cap(+1 Physical Def.)
(T): Light Leather Breastplate(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(L): Light Leather Pants(+2 Physical Def., +1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def, +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Dagger(+5 Attack)/None
Health/Mana: 100/15
Status: None
Attack: 10(+5)
Defense: 10(+6)
Magic: 3
Speed: 10(+4)
-Human Potion Master(Master)
-Daggers(Level 1)
Items: 500g, Health Potions{M}(x5), Mana Potions{M}(x5), Antidote(x5), Fire Bomb(x1), Ice Bomb(x2), Lighting Bomb(x2)

You are able to Parry one of the goblins attacks and kick the other, they both jump back one on each of your sides.

How would you like to fight?


Name: Giban
Gender: Male
Bio: Previously a town guard and now member of the Companions, a fighter's guild, this mercenary came here looking for fame, fortune and fun.
Class: Warrior (Level 1)
Sub Class: None
(H): Iron Helm(+2 Physical Def. +Arrow Def Up)
(T): Chain Mail(+3 Physical Def.)
(L): Chain Leggings(+3 Def., -1 Speed)
(F): Leather Boots(+1 Physical Def., +2 Speed)
(R/L): Iron Short Sword(+10 Attack)/Small Wooden Shield(+5 Physical Def, -1 Speed)
Health/Mana: 100/100
Status: None
Attack: 15(+5)
Defense: 15(+13)
Magic: 1
Speed: 10(+0)
Skills (To save room in future posts I will give you description of skill then delete later, I will refresh if you ever need me to)
-Swordsmanship(Level 1)
--Piercing Slash (Will allow you to deal damage by 2.0x, if failed you deal 1.5x damage rather than 2.0, 5 Turn Cooldown)
-Shield Fighter(Level 1)
--Bunker Down(Increases Archer Defense by 100% for next attack, 3 turn cooldown)
1.Robard(150/10)/Warrior/Gear: Iron Helm/ChainMail/ChainLeggings/LeatherBoots/Claymore(Both)
2.Ara(100/100)/White Mage/Gear: WhiteCap/WhiteRobes/L,LeatherLegs/WhiteBoots/HealingRod(Both)
3.Movis(100/90)/Black Mage/Gear: DarkCap/DarkRobes/L,LeatherLegs/BlackBoots/FireRod(Both)
4.Ysotta(100/15)/Chemist/Gear: ClothCap/L,LightLeather/L,LeatherLegs/Leather Boots/I.Dagger/None
-500G, Health Potion(S)(x5), Fortify Potion(x1)

It's a 8 Meter circumference with no windows looking out surrounded on the wall are torches to light the room. It looks to be an entry hall.

From the outside the dungeon looked to be the same size that went straight up about 10 floors.

MOVIS charges a FIREBALL while YOU and ROBARD keep the KOBOLDS at bay with your swords. As one of the KOBOLDS lunge to attack YOU, MOVIS fires the FIREBALL hitting the enemy square in the chest blasting them back. Killing them instantly.

The second KOBOLD has gotten close to ROBARB and is fighting him with a curved IRON SWORD and a shield, little cloth to cover them as there skin is scaled to be there armor.

How do you fight?

701 posts

I back up and throw an ice bomb at the goblins.

Showing 1-15 of 44