Second time in my life accidentally get middle option by using diamonds :/
Really, no pop-up message like you use diamonds?
I lose a lot of diamonds and get nothing!!! Give me please them BACK.
Are you respect users of your game or no?
I absolutely not have mood and even play a game after this.
Shinezone, please make me vip 0 woth 150/200 exp diamonds. Get back my 80 diamonds in total lose by accident. You can get my 50% if you want. I almost all year collect this diamonds for new bag, but I all lose! Stop be a jerk! Not ignore and help with all my problems!!! Yes, read my previous topics and problems. Just HELP ME!!!
@DJDarkDash This support forum is for all types of issues with the Armor Games website, but we cannot help you with specific in-game issues, sorry. I also very much doubt that Shinezone reads the topics here. You will have to contact them directly.