Has anyone else noticed there ranking reset to Peasant. I was Treasurer yesterday with only a few points left to move up, checked this morning after completing a few quests and I am down at the bottom of Rank and Leaders Board.
It should just be a visual issue in this regard that came from the most recent update, I have seen reports where flushing the cashes for your browser, or completing a new quest will jostle the appropriate ranking back onto the account. If you find that this doesn't correct the issue, please reach out to us at "support@armorgames.com" and the folks over there should be able to assist you further.
I have the same issue, and I have completed several quests since the reset. I also noticed that Zoom2 is on the same page of the leaderboards as me who has complete 575 quests but only has 50 points.
I wish it was, system has been fine, but I noticed today I went from almost done with "justclair" and was dropped to almost done with "templar". Have gotten new medals and it just moves me closer to leveling back to justclair, when I should be moving beyond that level.