Basically everyone knows that ruffle is needed for flash content, and emulating flash is hard because computer stuff.
Still, due to those constraints, it's impossible for any new members to get a rank higher than "nomad" on their profiles. I haven't seen any news on this one way or another, so does armorgames plan to do anything regarding quests? I realize this is probably a pretty low priority as far as running the website goes, but... quests are still one of the things that give bragging rights (similar to avatars). (Well, maybe not bragging rights, but it gives a sort of sense of accomplishment.)
When we can bring back games with quests, the quests associated with those games should return. Adding quests to new games is, as you've mentioned, not a high priority these days, unfortunately.
Also, RebornWraith, it's not impossible to rank up from nomad to the next level, peasant. You just need to get alot of the armor games site quests, preferably the insane quests and alot of the easy and some medium (None in game), and quests from Black and String Theory 2. But as soon as you get the peasant rank, it's impossible to rank up from there, unless quest games came back
Would love to get new quests. I have an account since 2010 but probably didn't log into it once during the time quests were introduced and when flash was discontinued (between 2012-2024?)
And now i'm back on the site, playing so many of the new games as soon as they come out, having a great time. Yet, it seems like i've missed out on a great fun era of the website.
Oh and P.S.:
You can get quests for the emulated games. It's hard to find emulated games with quests that do not lag immensely. Some i could find were:
- Sword & Spoon
- Swords and Souls
- Diggy (laggy but not unplayable)
Some that i tried playing and got the first quest but didn't want to continue because they were too laggy: dead end st., house of wolves.
If you want to go through a very unpleasant gaming experience you could get all those quests and rank up now. No more getting stuck in "Nomad".
The Flash era was indeed a golden era for many game sites, including ArmorGames. It's sad that it's gone, but it's cool that they're adding emulated games now. Although the lag is really frustrating.