ForumsThe TavernA WW2 boardgame for AG.

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WW2 European Liberation Board-Game that I pieced together using Risk pieces, a lesser known boardgame called "Dogfighter", and some basic craft supplies when I was a kid, this is for free to any Dev who would want to make it I don't own these half baked ideas anyways.

-After the United Kingdom Spitfire Fighter Airplane dominated the skies of Europe from the nazis they held off bombing to carefully take ground with soldiers to protect the civilians and homes of all of Europe, as a result nazi aircraft are double the spawn cost that U.K. and U.S. have to pay. In history the nazis had actually bombed all of Europe in petty rage of not winning the war, to end things quickly to prevent further fighting, the U.S. decided to use the Nuclear Bomb on Japan twice to make them surrender and convince hitler of the nazis their master ally, to do the same, he did so by killing himself with poison pills, if only he had done that first, then there would have been no war.

The Maps: 4 in total, first is Beach front where U.S and U.K. players conquer nazi ground pre-built defenses.

Second is the U.S. and U.K. capturing the cities just beyond the beach front. Nazi has devestating off-map artillery from railroad mounted and transported guns.

Third is the U.S. and U.K. taking ground in the German mountains on their way to the central industrial power porducing the nazi warmachine. Light Tanks on nazi side only is halfed in spawn cost.

Fourth and final map is U.S. & U.K. facing the horror of defense at the factory grounds as nazi units all have halfed spawn cost but even worse nazi aircraft x2 spawn cost increase is removed and then halfed.

=Unit Types=

-The basic strategy; is to build lines of defense the enemy isn't able to get near or run through. This is done with the 3 basic weapon range types, bullet short, armor pierce medium, and bombardment long. Once you control ground with this you can either move forward to take more land and eventually the enemy bases, or focus on controlling the sky with AA artillery and let your airplanes do the ground control, aircraft have a 100% weakness when AA are next to radar van, using well defended heavy artillery can do away with both hazards to aircraft, the fighter plane can do special air missions to control the sky allowing bomber planes to fly free, then just use a jeep to transport a platoon to the enemy base and capture it when it has no defenders left, fighters are also 100% weak to AA next to Radar Van.

Bombard attacks: instead of rolling att & def rolls you roll one die and if you get a 1 it is direct hit a 2 is a radius hit, 3 and higher is a miss.

Strings: Green=Minefield. Yellow=Fighter Plane. Light Blue=Light Bomber. Red=Heavy Bomber. Purple=Air Squadron Swarm

[Bases]-Players start with all 3 base types to place before game start in designated territory zones, each base has a natural AA Artillery effect at 100% on base squares only. All bases have all 3 effects of Warbuilds. Green String shows minefield radius when built for 30RP around Bases only, 3 spaces enemy platoons only must roll dice only a "1" is safe, stand a line of platoons through the field safely allows safe passage of all land units, Radar Vans increase safe chance to 1,2, or 3 dice roll, carpet bombing completely secures ground for passage vs landmines.
>-HQ-: 3by3 space holds 7-9 units clear of center & any 1 of outer spaces to not shut off spawning, spawns 1 unit at end of each turn after moving a unit, generates 1 RP per turn +1RP per strategic location with only your unit(s) touching it & +1 per town space of towns who's center is touched only by your unit(s), per turn.
>-Airfield-: 3by9 space holds 18 units clear of center line of 9 spaces, Can spawn all Aircraft Units in 1 turn at true cost for each. Flies, resupplies, & safehouses all 3 aircraft types.
>-Docks-: 1by3 space holds 2 units clear of center. Spawns most land units except for heavy tanks & heavy artillery, also spawns sea units 1 per turn. Generates 1 RP per turn +1 per barge touching dock + other barges.

[War-Builds]- Requires platoon to build. All pieces are 1 space. Only one unit behind the piece is protected 100% from bullet and pierce attacks coming from 3 front spaces, all attacks from platoons/items start from piece instead of unit, allowing you to skip spaces in setup, war builds are vunerable to bombard attacks however.
>-Trench Network-: Effects platoons and items only,
>-Sandbag Bunker-:Effects artillery, tanks, and vehicles only.
>-Hogs & Barbs-: Only prevents movement of all units provides no cover, hedgehog tri-spikes catch tank tread and vehicle bumper while barbwire entangles platoons and artillery into coils of metal thorned iron ropes, only bombard attacks can destroy these.

[Platoons]- Only unit type that can operate artillery and items, setup warbuilds, and capture all those things and bases from the enemy.
>-Basic Boots-: +1 to defense roll & -1 to attack roll. vs. platoons only, range 1.
>-Expert Boots-: +1 to attack roll & -1 to defense roll vs. platoons only, range 1.
>-AT Boots-: normal rolls vs platoons, +5 defense roll vs. tanks and jeeps, range 1.

[Items]- Requires platoon to use.
>-Heavy Machinegun-: +5 defense vs. platoons & vehicles, -1 attack roll vs all, range 2.
>-Mortor Tube-: does bombard attack type at range 3, however only hits on a 1 dice roll.
>-Flamethrower-: negates effect of war builds when carrying platoon is attacking the wawr build, effects the units protected by the warbuild but does not destroy the warbuild.

[Artillery]- Requires platoon to use.
>-AT Artillery-:range 2, 100% success vs tanks and vehicles, normal rolls vs artillery, cannot hit platoons or aircraft.
>-AA Artillery-: Only land unit that can hit aircraft at range 4 roll att & def every space an air string is in, if the airplane is out of range it's defense rolls are only counted to not taking damage from the AA, +5 defense vs platoons & vehicles, no effect on tanks, normal rolls vs artillery all at range 2.
>-Heavy Artillery-: Does bombard type attacks at range 3, +1 vs tanks, vehicles, & artillery.

>-Truck-: No damage on defense rolls acnnot attack, transports 4 troops &/or items while towing one artillery and speed 4.
>-Jeep-:can mount the machinegun item while transporting a platoon to have it's effects and changes attack roll of machinegun to +1, can transport one artillery, platoon, and machinegun item at speed 5.
>-Radar Van-: No attack roll, no damage on defense, gives AA 100% defense vs aircraft & +1 range vs air only, also boosts heavy artillery bombard attacks with a stackable +1.

[Tanks] Resists bullet type damage 100% and has a mounted machinegun effect.
>-Troop Transport-:Carries 6 platoons &/or items , tows one artillery at speed 3.
>-Light Armor-: Speed 2, has AT type damage at range 2.
>-Heavy Armor-: Speed 1 has AT type damge at range 3.

[Aircraft] 1st turn: perform air mission, 2nd turn: defense rolls only, 3rrd turn: remove string cannot use that airplane on this turn.
>-Fighter Plane-: Yellow String
>-Light Bomber-: Light Blue String
>-Heavy Bomber-: Red String

[Boats] only in water all at speed 2.
>-Barge-:Able to do many none combative actions needed for victory.
>-Submarine-: Range 2, is able to sink all sea unit types & resist most attacks.
>-Frigate-: Range 1, only unit able to capture barges when touching. Cannot sink submarines.

[Ships] only in water at speed 1.
>-Destroyer-: Only unit able to sink submarines, range 2.
>-Battleship-: When touching Dock; 6 range radius heavy artillery effect around dock. Sinks all but submarines & barges from a 3 space range.
>-Aircraft Carrier-: Functions like an Airfield except no heavy bombers. Planes & carrier cannot sink submarines.

=Air Missions=

[Fighter Plane]
>-Escort-: Paired with flight of any plane, 2 fighter planes=x2 defense roll, 3=x3, etc..
>-Patrol-: Flies a radius who's string must end on runway, blocks both bomber types, remains all turns if undisturbed.
>-Intercept-: Can attack 4 air units in one flight,+1 vs Patrol,[+1 defense rolls, does no damage],+1 vs light bomber, +3 vs heavy bombers.

[Light Bomber]
>-Para-Drop-: 1 of either Platoon or Item.
>-Dive Bomb-: 1 space of damage twice in flight on land & sea.
>-Recon-: Radar effect map-wide for 2 turns after landing.

[Heavy Bomber]
>-Para-Drop-: 1 of either; 4 platoons, 4 items, 1 AA or AT artillery, Jeep, Radar Van, or Light Tank.
>-Carpet Bomb-: 3 space line of damage once in flight on land only.
>-Radio Super Station-: Negates enemy radar & HQ RP Gen. map-wide, Docks & Recon uneffected.

[Off-Map Support]
>-U.K. Mega Artillery Shell-: 3by3 blast radius center space 100% kill, 8 outer spaces normal rolls.
>-U.S. Squadron Swarm-: Purple String shows flight path from map corner, 4 fighters, 3 L.Bombers, 1 H.Bomber. 3by3 bomb area, with 100% kill in all spaces, if shot down cannot be used for the rest of the game.
>-Nazi Gas Canisters-: Kills all Platoons in 3by3 radius, no damage to other unit types.

[Constant Support] {passive ability}
>-La Resist farm food-: gives +1 to defense rolls British Basic Boots only.
>-La Resist sewer roads-: allow U.S. Platoons only to instant travel to any town spaces even if hostile.
>-Italian Fighter Plane-: escort nazi Fighters only to offset x2 aircraft RP cost penalty for nazi.

[Wrath of Divinity] support called during turn while moving a unit.
>-If God, we Bust-: U.S Fool's Folly effect is doubled when active at 1 RPcost and that turn.
>-Dub Yee Sir Knight-: U.K. Basic Boots gain +1 defense roll for 2 turns at 1RPcost & that turn.
>-Kami's Curse-: U.S. suddenly nukes Japan scaring Nazis into submission thus ending the war, U.S. and U.K. players accept victory, nazi player admits defeat.

=Sea Missions=

[Barge Missions]
>-Transits Land Units-: Can move land units to other docks & any beach space, except for heavy tank & heavy artillery. 4 Platoons or Items or 1 vehicle, artillery, or tank type per barge.
>-Multiply RP Gen.-: Adjacent to own dock & other barges, +1 RP per turn per barge.
>-Fool's Folly-: Sink your own barg full of 4 platoons gains -1 enemy defense roll for next 1 turn.

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Now I know U.S. didn't sink their own barges but they might as well have as retarded as D-Day was. I can only guess that it was a "fool's Folly" to make the nazis think that we were retarded so that they wouldn't try as hard against us but to just run rifle boots up against MGs like that was dumb and evil. These men trusted the commanded hyped up on being heros just to get thrown into the fire.
Carpet bomb the defenselines and just walk right in, speed of flight on the sameday would not have alarmed the nazis that we are coming using extended flue bombers from England. As documentaries say it the U.S. paratroopers did not have the quick release system the British had so they drowned in the ocean jumping from planes big enough to do high altitude bombing runs. Sure we got through the nazis defense lines and won the war with high occupancy of European land and not just the petty threat of nukes, but in detail of history D-Day was wrong and those generals should be ashamed of this trash tactics of their's. So I will have claimed in this game: it was a fool's folly at best, and they might as well just killed our own guys themselves but had let the nazis do it for them. Even if sandbanks had been built by the nazis to block battleship bombardments from reaching the nazi beach bunkers the swift carpet bombing flown from England could have saved many of those lives on those bargs and allowed those little boats to simply transport and not be a retarded bullheaded blood box as it was, as the nazis had waited with cool MGs for the doors to fall and spray precisely so that our men didn't even make a foot-forward let alone do any real fighting as the heros they had been drummed-up to be and instead were made into a bloody joke of "first impressions". Let the American leadership of D-Day be cursed they were evil elitists with no feeling to make these orders for our good follower men.
So yes: in this game you sink your own bargs to the "fool's folly" perk in-game.

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