This game is really easy, i will say a sentence and the next person down will make a snappy comeback then write their sentenceFirst SentenceYoure Ugly
thats what she said!!!!!!!!
now write a sentence
tehblackknight is he idiot of th millenium.
ok now I get it your so fat you cannot swim in a pool witout flooding your yard
i dont getit....
you're so skinny the wind blew you away to the north pole
You are a nerd, look at ur name
yo momma is so uncoordinated she threw a rock at the ground and missed
yo so wobbly that you fell off a cliff while sitting on a chair
This is turning into just an insult thread. This is the general idea...Person 1: You're fat.Person 2: Well atleast I could survive in Antarctice.The Person Below Me is Ugly.Etc...After writing a comeback insult The Person Below You then they have to post a comeback too it...KingRyan
Hm...this could teach a valuable skill: capping, and not taking things personally. So the thread stays for now.@ KR: Says you, the guy who's never picked up. (Just kidding Ry, you know I love ya :P)@ TPBM: I bet you can't think of a snappy comeback to save your life.
Thread is locked!