Same as before try to solve my riddles without cheating!! Or if you have one go ahead and post it people will sovlve that as well good luck! 3) I pass before the sun yet make no shadow. What am I?
[/b]You approach two talking doors. One door leads to the City of Truth, while the other door leads to the City of Liars. You do not know which door is which. You are able to ask only one question to determine which door is which. The door that leads to the City of Liars always speaks lies, while the door that leads to the City of Truth always speaks the truth. You want to go to the City of Truth. What question do you ask to determine which door leads to the City of Truth?? very long DO NOT CHEAT![b]
You ask the City of Truth door: "Will you lead me to the City of Truth?" It's seems like the logical question to ask as the door always speaks the truth.
OMFG I GOT IT I GOT I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought about this for at least 20 minutes straight. You ask: "Am I boy or a girl?" I'm a boy so the liar will say I'm a girl and the non liar will say I'm a boy. Then I'll know which one!! Please I think that's the answer. I swear to god I didn't cheat. I swear.
Was I right guys??? Tell me I was right!! My head hurts from the thinking!! And the dice one: The probability is 1 out of 6. I learned in math that the probability never changes. And the coat one: It's a raincoat.
I swear on my family's grave that I did not cheat.
Hahah lol Were the City of Truth and the dice ones correct? Please tell me! City Of Truth: I'm a boy. I ask if I'm a boy or a girl. The liar says I'm a girl. The truth sayer says I'm a boy. SO I go to the truth telling door.
I did not copy Ialwayswin's answer for the dice one. I wrote it at the same exact time. When I posted it his came up. Please. If I get no points for that because of Ialwayswin....