So. I have something I want to do and in lack of care to find someone who can do PHP(I tried. Gave up.) I will learn myself. Anyone got suggestions on a good place to start? Good site to learn from or something? Or even any useful tips(what programs to use, etc.) I will probably be using Dreamweaver so I don't think anything gets better then that for my website. Anyways if you know anything or got some tips just shout some out here or in my comments, either or!
php? google it? It really depends what you're trying to do! Start studying JSON, JQuery, XML .... For G** sake go to and take a few minutes to read their tutorials and practice their examples. More questions? Just ask. I teach this stuff on a daily basis.
Well the <a href="">PHP Manual</a> has a lot of information on the language, a lot of php help can also be found by doing google searches. And as mentioned above it really depends on what your trying to do.
Also, like Flash, if you want to get serious about programming this language I highly recommend buying a book. has a bunch of different books all with rating and reviews so you can find the one right for you
If you have some specific questions, PM me, and I'll see what I can do to help you out. I've been coding in PHP for years, making anything from dynamic websites to full-blown corporate web applications.