Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
8/10that armatar costs a lot of apand it doesnt look bad lol
8/10 Nice armatar but what is that some frozen men xD...???
Gecko. Its good7/10
10/10 i want that armatar skeleton with helmet great how much point i need...xD
I've never used that one, but I like the colors used and the emotion on the lizard's face. It's drawn nicely as well.10/10
I don't like it that much but it is kind of good.
10/10 i like the way it sticks out from the backround,its a cool colour and the armatar picture looks awesome! (my armatar sucks,im gona change it)
5/10I do not like those colors. I hate bugs as well.
I do not like anything ghostofmatrix has used1/10
8/10. I like that Armatar.
Never liked the man with the crossbow. I just don't like how it's drawn. 2/10
thinking skeleton;8/10
Eh, I'm not too fond of it 4/10.The shades of colors are rather decent, but it seems the scale of the man is too small.
4/10 i like the black backround,but its a default armatar so its not my favorite.try getting a new armatar herehttp://armorgames.com/account/armatars
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