Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
What's with the buck teeth?2/10
7/10 smiling lizard was always a cute nice one
I just love this dinosaur! The expression is just so wonderful, but the horns are a bit weird.9/10
i see that one alot i think its overused but its still pretty cool looking. 7/10
i used that armatar back in the day, its kinda cool.7/10
I really like that one, it's one of my favorites out of the dinosaurs I've seen.9/10
I guess you can that i see that pic sometimes. it's ok 7/10
Holy -insert subject here-! Jabello is back I like how the lion's eyes are covered by a shadow so that you don't see them. 8/10
lizard?idk 7.5/10 i like it but i don't love it
Forest stalker thingy I like the animation/artwork on the armatar 7/10
i dont really like that one. its kinda funny but boring. 6/10 and XVERB's is sick i love that one 10/10
Its a cool figure but why is it levitating a tree and not something like a fireball? 6/10
I like the butter fly 8.5/10 but XVERB 10/10 thats cool dude
Just an average shield armatar, 5/10.(No offense, just don't like the shield armatars.)
8/10. Not that good as fox , but great.
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