Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
Thats because Carlie was awesome and had Armatar Contest awhile back.It's.... It's a bunny. 5/10
I don't like the ogre armatar, it looks ugly to me. Sorry.3/10
I've always liked that dinosaur, although I thought it could've had a better background. 8/10
It's probably one of the worst because its just so uninteresting. 2/10
8/10Neat looking butterfly.
Back in 09 I had that armatar, before this one of course . 10/10 it's one of my favorites.
There's not much detail with the elder man with a scroll. So with that, the Armatar gets a 4/10.
red background with a shield cut out of it. yeah, because I couldnt make that in 10 seconds. 3/10.
I've never seen that one before FloydTC pretty cool. 9/10
6/10, I like how the ant is crawling forward and the colors go really well together.
3/10 the backround is bad i think, and the gingerbread man is sad
10/10I see no one else with it. Ever.
7/10Nice horse
1/10So common and it takes nothing to get.
9/10 it looks so cute, harmless, and peacefull
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