Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
9/10 one of my faves.
It's alright not my style but alt right 7/10.
(Yeah i'm not feelin it either so imma switch it back to shield thing)As I posted before, 9/10 for yours.
Sweet simple and to the point I like it, and so does Thor, 8/10.
one of my faves.
4/10, good, but unoriginal unlike mine
6/10 Unlike yours? It's just an archer! A rather ugly one, at that. =P
8/10 I was considering switching to that but you got there first, detailed funny and interesting
I've said this before and ont know why others are so low but its an awesome armatar 8.5/10
The hand is a bit close to the sun's face. I could trace it easily, but it is a non-available armature at the moment.7.5/10
It's something that I'd use. I like the dark background on it and how the character is drawn, the lightning bolts on the chest are cool.10/10.
Not bad, but I prefer toads, 6.5/10.
I like it especially the background.8.2/10
That one has never appealed to me. It's just too bland. 3/10
I never really liked any of the armatars from the beginning set. 2/10
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