Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
I'm going to revive this thread. 7/10Almost in the awesome list.
I like the coloring and the background, but I don't understand why the arm is like that. She's doing something with a crystal ball or a ball of energy, and her other arm is just reaching out to something, but what?. 7/10
10/10It's one of my favourite armatars. And because I like dragons.
Fox or a wolf?8.1/10
10/10 good like it! this thread is bad cause you can change your armater at anytime...
5/10It just shows a guy pointing an arrow at something.
7/10 I prefer your old one, much more fitting since it was dark, and had fire... But I like the howling fox.
It just shows a guy pointing an arrow at something.
I honestly don't get it, why magma? But, well, my opinion4/10
You have quite a cool looking animal snce it is somewhere on top of the food chain. But a plain fox is just to simple and lacks detail.3.5/10
It's simplicity is the reason it's amazing. You have to look at it closely to realize it's true qualitites.But, why is there light coming out of your mouth an eyes.2/10
Sorry, I meant:It's simplicity is the reason it's amazing. You have to look at it closely to realize it's true qualities.But, why is there light coming out of your mouth and eyes.2/10
Well its either medusa or tha armatar is transforming or something.Still 3.5/10 but great attitude! so now 4/10
2/10 I think it's medusa, kind of usual/lame.
You just have a plain, boring blue sheild that looks 2-D.0.5/10
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