Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
That squirel isn't bad,it's very detailed.6.5/10.
I wish you could see the tail more on mine but one of the admins had it and I liked it, still 7/10, and you have not answered my question.
It's a squirrel, I eat squirrels. 8/10
LOL, that snowman does not have a face, 6.5/10
Is it possible to use custom armatars? 7.5/10
No, it's not possible to use custom armatars. Tigers are pretty cool I guess. 9.0
It's ok...6/10
I kind of like it, it's not a very used armatar. And I've already linked that armatar to you. So when I see it I immediately thinks it you lol. It was from Halloween right, I forgot?7.5/10
That black wolf thingy is........(drum roll)TOTALLY EPICNESS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What black wolf :P?Me like dragons 9/10
8.5/10 pretty cool.
4/10 I see it so often
8/10 cuz my tiger is hungry...and really?ive only ever seen one other person with it...
Well MrStealth is one, and other people have come around and commented on my old one but since you are awesome now 6/10
8/10 Yeah, Ive been changing mine as ive been unlocking them.
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