Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
the wolves are awesome! Woo! 9/10
killer ant whoo jk
Well i do not hate ants so why should i hate the armatar above me 8/10
No well you posted it first and can not hate armatar when there is no ?/10
why does everyone think my armatars an ant?the eagle is cool 7.5/10
6/10 I don't like insects so much
Nice snake 8/10. I would have that one if it wasn't so common.
Awesome, er, thingy! Woo! 8/10
pretty butterfly...6/10
The background is too distracting 5/10.
I like the wolf but the graphics are bad and why is the mouth open?7/10
That skeleton is one of my favorites. Background's a little too light, though. 7,5/10
i would have to rate it a 6/10 because its a flame girl lol
4/10 i dont like flame ponys...
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