Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
8/10 very creepy
7/10 new armatars are cool
1/10 Halloween is over but it does suit your name
whats ur problem with me?7/10
Thats a pretty cool armatar Death_Bringer although I prefer the one I have but yours suits your name so I'll give you 6/10 ah what the heck since I have seen no-one else iwth it 7/10
6/10its cool, but too many people have it.
I guess so.... I'll change it in a minute and you get 9/10 I think penguins are awesome.
It's the one I'm using! 10/10
The armatar with the 3 heads.7/10
5/10 newbie armatar
yeah, its a hydra
and Death's armatar is 7/10
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