Just rate the above users armatar!Someone rate my name.
6/10 it's ok
Do I seriously have to rate this one again? 9/10
6/10... have a good time rating mine... =)
0/10..was really fun.
10/10 the new armatars rock!!!
8/10The ice armatars are sweet... =)
Blank okay when Strop had it and Estel did it was a good armatar 8/10 then but since so much people have it now it gets 5/10
10/10 i still like dragonsbtw people just want to copy each other, it's normal
6.8/10 Bleh. =3
Nice grasshopper thing 9/10800th post
the only down side of this is that the person cant change their armatar5/10
Yea you can?The fire guy at 3000AP 8/10 cool
5/10 is a bug bugs are ok
nice aura from the butterfly 9/10
7/10, the snake is kind of cool.
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