Rules: 1 Person Posts How They Are In Trouble Of Some Kind. 2 The Next Person To Posts Says "I Saved The Person Above Me By....." 3 That Same Person Gives A Situation Were The Person Below Them Saves them.
Example:Player 1: I Fell off A Cliff when......... Player 2:I saved The Person Above Me Bye Throwing A Rope To Them so they could swing themselves back up. But Then A Monkey Choked Me With Its Shorts. Player 3: I Saved The Person Above me Bye.........
I changed th vanilla wafer to a chochlate wafer. (hey your not choking on a vanilla wafer) and rush you to a hospital.
I can't pay the bill and get kicked out with GSE (greatest solo ever) still choking. By the way were on the top floor of a 100 storie building and they litteraly KICKED us out.
Well there is nothing I can do since I am falling also...I guess I use my pants as a parachute and we float safely to the ground...but wait! I'm not wearing pants!!!!! (as in I'm not wearing pants anymore...)