Does the person above's Name match their Armatar?(and vice versa)?
This should be a funny forum so don't get all bent outta shape. There is probably very few people who's names match their armatar. Have fun this is in the games forum.
Couldn't really find a comedic armatar. Maybe when I gain more AP I'll find a court jester Armatar. Nater, I don't see see any resemblence to your armatar. Crimsonblade, your looks like the closest you can get. is a squirrel, but it DOES NOT have an afro. So...3/4 of the way, yeah. Before ya'll rate my name, let me tell you that "Moab" is a typo from "Moat", and "Moat" is short for "Moatmushercastlecrusher". Proceed with this knowledge.
hmm...well i don't see any moat mushing or castle crushing but i do see a guy whereing armor but there isnt a gamer any where in that armatar so....moat mushing, nada,Castle crushing, zip,gamer, goose egg,armor...indeed,so 1/4
before you post bacobit is not short for baconbits, the little cookie next to the milk is a bacobit (which for the record go's great with milk) but before you go to the store to find bacobits i might as well tell you that they don't exist *sigh* if only
I would have to say yes. What ever your armatar is looks like a predator and Orion is referred to as the hunter. Also your armatar looks like its just zooming in and your name is EnterOrion. 10/10