im first.i will rate the person below me.
Not the most original name,because I think I already know some one named HockeyGoalTender,but 6/10
Sounds really cool, 8/10
9.3/10 quite cool
ehh to many names with game in them 6/10
6/10, it suits the site but it's not that cool.
Okay, for darkroot, 8/10, that's pretty cool.
6/10...Nothing really great...
8/10 just because its from get smart.
9/10 cool name crimsonblade
7/10Pretty good, but not that great...
8/10Pretty good, but not amazing.
Very Generic name, 4/10
5/10 average.
7/10, cos I like how short n sweet it is
7/10,because it sounds like the name of a pet from a anime show.
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