im first.i will rate the person below me.
a 6/10.
When I say Theone 99, it sounds like The 1,99$because i like money, i'll give ya an 8,45/10
Sorry buddy, but I don't like your name at all.. Bah. 4/10. That's for th capital. =D
cool 10/10
your name is probably 2 words with no space in the middle...unfortunately if that's the case i cant find the spacebut still 7/10 sounds cool
ummm not a good name over all about 3/10 for the name but ill bump it up to a 5/10 cuz you use slang in it lol
I'd say... &\\10
I meant 7\\10
thanks10\\10 nice name
Hmm. Nice name Archer. I actually like the numbers (4 being my second fav number) and theres a capital in there. =DGood name. 7/10.
shotguns are cool7\\10
10/10I like your name because...I don't know...i like the way it sounds when I say it to myself.
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