im first.i will rate the person below me.
10/10, I mean Agent_86 you can't give them anything else.
9.5/10 It's so...artful. Much better than most other names on here.
Hah. Awesome name man. Kind of random, but I like it. Nice capitals. Lol. =P9.5/10.
rated you i think a 7/10? oh well i keep at that.
10/10one of my favorite songs (foo fighters, pretty old.)
3/10 your lack of capitals makes me wanna headbutt a donkey so hard that we both fall down.
oh really??your name is so close to luigi,who is gay!!top that you buttering,fat,luigi-lover!!you rape my dad!2/10
Good name, but a 3/10 for that outburst...
not that good 2/10
7/10 cause i used you name to my liking in username mixxing machine
too small1/10
very long if i wanted to type in your name, but funny so.....6/10
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