im first.i will rate the person below me.
Ooo Sounds mysterious or superhero like, 7/10!
8/10..all i have to say is "What?"
is your name the one or theone either way 7/10
Would have given you 8 if it wasn't for the numbers... 7/10
All right. Simple.7/10
Not that good and not that bad 7/10.
That's a lot of 7/10s... I'll break it. 6/10, champion10, it sounds a bit too ordinary, but still has a good ring to it.
9/10 =3
8/10. seems cool and even cooler when you actually say it.
pretty cool...sounds like a gladiator. 7/10
Reminds me of sega. 'Cept with a modern twist. Watch out Zatami!8.5/10
You just never finish loading. X) 8/10
5/10 its just sophia with a Z
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