im first.i will rate the person below me.
uhm...The one?99?4/10
i cant pronounce it (which is weard because its only 5 letters8/10
4/10. Not very much creativity and the name is boasting about yourself. Sorry, I just feel like being a critic today.
8/10. Used to love Kirby XD!Not so creative though...
nice name9/10(and doesn't my armatar fit my name perfectly?)
8/10 simply because you're NOT the best. . .
Dont all heros wear armor? D:6/10.
lol 8/10
Why lol? My name is funneh?5/10, good but too popular, everyone would use it. And its not even a name...
Alguzara!Lol fun name to say.8 out of 10.
distinct and lol inducing do you name your pants??8.5/10
* shhhh dont tell any one! * Lol of course I dont name my pants! = )Hmmm very interesting 7.5 I like it .
me likey! 6/10Everybody hates my name lol
Whoah...9/10 for confusyness.
SLIM JIM!JIM SLIM! I like to say it , 8 out of 10.
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