im first.i will rate the person below me.
Lynoth sounds elfish i aprove 9/10Sep
sweet name
Absolutely bad ass.11/10.
That's a pretty awesome name 7/10
9/10, very creative, cool, and ---did I just get skipped again?
7/10sounds cool
Ooops, forgot to rate :PWithout the numbers 9/10.With them, 4/10
i give it a 8/10 wat about mine
Good, lord, i fail.Naruto, 410Trojans, reminds me of condoms, but good 8/10
man i love your name it rocks i wish i have had thought of that 20/10
8/10sounds really cool matchs your picture i think
8/10 when dealing with the name3/10 if dealing with the show
8/10 for the naruto name!!but your armatar is for choji! so if you can find a fox maybe...
8/10sounds really cool sounds familiar
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