The rules are, you try to kill the stick figure... then the person below you saves him and then puts him in danger again...
STICKMAN is walking on the sidewalk.... then a drunk driver comes and is headed straight to him!!!!!! ( he is frozen in terror, so you can't make him dodge it)
but lucky chuck noris comes and cuts billy mays head off then lets sticky go but in the city chuck noris has a 50 caliver sniper rifle and spots stick man and pulls the trigger then he pulls the trigger and the bullet flys straight towards stick man
But Michael Jackson comes and put in the way of the bullet so he dies and then the stick man woke up and he notice it was a dream and he goes out and all the CIA is in his house and the stick man is surrounded and in the sky are a lots of helicopters and the new invent of the CIA, a force field that dont let anybody comes in or comes out in a 5 meters distant and they shoot some stuff to stick man so he cant move a thing and also the CIA has put a bomb on its head and it will explode in 1 second and also te CIA put every body on the universe against stickman so nobody can help him and everybody wants to kill him but also the CIA has put some gas and that gas took out all the 5 sences of stick man so he canot smell hear see taste touch anything and also somebody threw a machete to him and he cutted his legs and arms and he cannot move
a atom bomb drops from the sky and gives sticky arms and legs and it frees him and a alein war ship comes picks up sticky with a tractor beam and the aleins start to disect him but the aleins take every bone out of his body eat them then they regurgitate sticky then will smith comes out and kicks the aleins asses then he puts stick man back together will smith then gets eaten by a rancor but befor the aleins died they put the ship to self destruct then sticky is frozen in fear
wtf i said that the CIA putted a force camp and nothing can get close to stick man in a range of 5 meters: how the hell an atomb bombs did enter to the camp force :s noobie !
but a zombie comes turns the ship off then sticky finds a gun and kills the zombie then he jumps out of the ship and hes falling he will die in 5 seconds if you dont save him
but too bad for the nazis because the skeleton pirates had blown a hole at the side of the ship capsizing it over drowning all the nazis because they were chewing beef jerky at the time but now somthing from the depths comes out... a death destroyer which is very hungry now...(its made of souls and spectres)