I am starting to create a Flash RPG game, with a battle system very similar to Athalia and Hero RPG. I have a Plan Packet full of all the ideas and concepts, along with some graphics I have created. I believe this RPG will be quickly popular. My Actionscript knowledge is very low and whenver I try doing all this myself, I just end up screwing it up. If I am going to use this idea, I want it to be the best it can be. I am looking for someone who is dedicated and knows what they are doing in flash. and can do advanced actionscripting. Since I am a Graphic Designer, I will make characters and any other graphics the creator sees fit.
Benefits: 1. My help with any graphics 2. Creator Tag with me as Co-Creator 3. Revolutionary Flash RPG idea that will get peoples attention
I will assure anyone who is interested they will not be disappointed. I am not sharing the idea over forums because I feel I want only true dedicated flash creators to help with this.
lol? im sorry you do too, im working on some of the character motions. Ill let you guys know, im not some sort of new person who just wants to make a game, I have really thought this out and am very serious about this
Yes I would love your help! and id like to see your idea on the similarly new hero rpg battle system. if we could exchange e-mails or aim S/N's we could talk about it over those, I could also send you the Plan Packet game ideas that I wrote up, and you can tell me once you read them if they are possible for you or not, and what we can do to change them to still be a good game.
Unfortunately I am not in the mood to make an RPG type game. But if help is ever needed I am always here. Whether it is GFX, ideas, writing, AS or even just your grammar I am here to help.I wish you luck and I would like to say program do not underestimate the work in doing this. Will be much harder than you expect!
ok cool thanks program pro! I am also getting the help of other people on another site that are going to try and help also! if when your done you could send me the flash file of your movement demo and I could check it out, I keep getting flash trials and Im running out, bout time I paid 800 bucks for it =\\ ug..
Klaushouse, i have helped in other game creations, not including flash, this is new for me. I know the commitment and how hard it is to create and if i need help ill be sure to let you know.
the main problem with the RPG's ive been trying to make is collision with walls. If the screen follows him and he hits a wall he will move off the screen. Can someone please help me!!
Gfitz, don't give him coordinates at all...just have him sit perfectly in the middle of the screen, and do the wall collision detection on some variant of the current world's position.
And, if you sort of already do that, maybe you're changing the guys ._x instead of your assigned x position.
Sorry, I cant give much help if I don't know you're situation.