ForumsGame WalkthroughsStrategy, guide, hints....anything? for the protector, reclaiming the throne

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37 posts

hi ya, like the game alot.....this is created so if anyone like to put a guide for each stage or stuff pls do so.....all in normal mode of cos...if its hard...that be great....

do write out the name of the map ur referring to so as to make it easy to know wat map ur talking bout....

first off....New Home is a well how do i say....well spam either a mage or a warrior at any available space and money and its an easy flow

2nd, for the stage of lower karnagh...u should have 1 point available in ur skill....put it in to ur mage 1st tier....u will start off with 100g....if u look at the entrance fill it up with'll be 4 of it
-whenever possible upgrade the mages to fire...for the outside have 1 as infect and 1 debuff....for the inner mage...make both a slow mage
-whenever u lv them up concentrate on increase dmg rather than their specials
-after a few wave start to put some mage at the pathway near to the fence first, the one where the 3 square is facing another 3 square. and when possible put mage at the side of the rock near to the exit. for their lv, u can put up as fire but their skill will be to ur liking
-some enemies will escape in certain wave but not to worry u will have enuf life to conquer the last wave even if the boss move in and out for 2 or 3 times....

hope this help

  • 28 Replies
37 posts

Upper Karnagh

skill....mage 1st and 2nd tier: ice

u will start off with start out with 3 mages, 1 below the outer rock at the 2 by 3 ground, 1 below the last outer rock of the 'L' ground and 1 more at the end of the 'L' ground above the last rock.
- upgrade the mage to ice and have each of them their own specialize skill (debuff, infect and cripple are my choice) and same as the previous stage concentrate on their dmg rather than their specials.
-whenever possible spam mages at any available space that can cover alot area (mages have +2 range, try to figure a bit k)
-some of the enemies will escape from ur clutches but not to worry, still have enuf for the boss...more than enuf actually
-u can have the mages to hold other specialties but ice is more than enuf....however do not spam warrior...waste of space.

hope this help and have fun....gonna try out coastal ruins now

37 posts

on to coastal ruins

skills mage 1st and 2nd tire : fire and warrior 1st tier....oh be reminded...think i din skills are all reset as i start a new stage...heh

37 posts

OMGosh....accidentally press the post button.....

as to continue.....

u start off with 100g...however first place 2 mage side by side at the 2nd ground from the entrance (the one with 2 slot diagonally above the 2 slots and initiate the wave

once the wave finish lv them to fire mage and place 2 more mage at the first ground side by side at the bottom centre (if u count the 8 box from left to will be the 6 and 7th slot) and initiate

now before the 3rd wave do the necessary lv and add 2 warrior to ur team at the corner of each entry (the lone slot of each entrance, from here on place mages at the slots of 4 grounds and warrior at the lone corner slots and 1-4 of the 8 slots, that is if u have gold available)

once u initiate wave lv the warriors to fire criticals and the 4 mages as of each skill. u will encounter flying creature in one of the wave....thats the reason why i place mages to fight the first 2 wave as per instruction cos if u place the warriors at the corner or the 4 slots early on the mages hardly gets any exp to lv, or so as i have encountered.

as wave goes by start placing ur trusted legions as i have explained in the 3rd creatures of chaos can pass by ur holy legions except 1 or 2 (in my case 3...i wonder why) and all will go smoothly.....

compare to lower cranagh.....this should be deem easy and LC as medium

have fun guys....on to decripit passage....

37 posts

Decripit passage really gave me some white hairs trying to solve the problems

well on to skill... 1st and 2nd tier: fire lightning and 3rd tier of mage: minions of destruction. to all warrior fanatic, sorry guys i tried to use them but they are the one causing me so much white hair...LOL

u will start of with 100g...lets say the entry is 2 mage at each of the inner east and west ground (they are spaced by the rocks....but not to worry its all good). the mages will be facing each other with the middle ground being empty.

the first of the mage (nearer to the entrance) will be the infectious minions of fire and destruction and the mage after them will be the lightning de-buffer of destruction

as the wave goes by, place mages at the same rows as the previous mages....making it 4 mages facing each other....better be it before or during the 9th wave....still upgrade them as their seniors but they will be causing the cretures to be cripple rather than de-buff or infect them with ur BO. so before the 10th wave hopefully u will have 2 fire and 2 lightning at each of the ground facing each other (if not possible, just upgrade the juniors as the wave goes by...)

remember not to upgrade their special...rather make them heavy duty....when u have golds, start filling the outer of the east and west ground and the middle ground with mages....and make their classes alternate and a crippler or slow caster.

even as a bad*** lord of destruction....some enemies will escape u...however in the end of the day evil will prevail mua hahahaha....

guess gonna stop here....will continue on with achirion waste later...hopefully the coward mode strategy i use will work on the normal have fun ppl

37 posts

woot i got more life left in archirion wastes normal than in the coward.....

well here goes...

skill 1st and 2nd tier: ice for both warrior and mage....yea u heard me rite....the warriors are back....and 1 point to frugal (money money money)

well this map is great but hard to explain haha...first divide the I into 4 equal parts...having that, it will be Left Up (LU, following the left entry point) Left Down (LD, following the left exit point) Right Up (RU, following the right entry point) and Right Down (RD, following the right exit point.

u start off with 150g....that nabs u 6 recruits....u will get 4 warrior and 2 mage for them at the L slot at LU and RU at the outer side...2 warriors will be at the tip of the L and the mage is at the pointy end of the will look like the mage is guarded by the warrior...

do take note the pointy of L , and there are 12 of it, is so called the 'inner' so if u put ur warrior inside they can do little the way, if u have trouble find the pointy....ill try to see if i can create a picture map....

once ur done with placement....initiate battle....once they lv...make the warrior ice critical striker and the mage infectious ice mage....
as i have been playing i actually just concentrate on increasing dmg than special LOL...

after 2 or 3 wave, start placing another 2 mage on the inner L of LU and RU and they will be ur de-buffer.....if ur gold allows that is...when u have enuf golds create warriors to protect ur new mages...

let the wave run and lv as necessary....if u have golds....start placing warriors and mages....u will have a total of 12 mages and thats all.....this new mages will be ur crippler and slow caster....but i don think they have enuf chance to lv that much

if ur lucky ur life will have enuf to fight with the last my case....coward was left 1 and the boss is very near to the exit before dying (phew) and in normal....woot 15 life left haha

have fun....and ill create a map when u guys really cant figure wat i am saying bout the map...

37 posts


@@@@@@@@ L@@@
@@rrrrrr@@ outer L -> LLrrr here u can put 3 mage
@r r@ @r in this section
@@r r@@ inner L -> LLr so 4 parts will be
@@r r@@ LLr 12 mages
@r r@ Lr
@r r@ divide @r
@r r@ 4 @r
@r r@
@r r@
@@r r@@
@@r r@@
@r r@


37 posts

AHHHHHHHHH.....BAD PICTURE.....gosh tot i can just make it in the forum.....hope this can make it


divide to 4 will be

!!!!!!v this is RU of my guide
!!!L@@@ the @ is replace by L
!!LLrrr to show u the shape of the L in the
!!@r!!! game
!!LLr!! here u will have 3 'ointy'
!!!LLr! so u will have 12 mage in total
!!!!@r! look carefully u will see 3 'ointy'

37 posts

lol.....finally figure out.....but stilll...BAD PICTURE.....

first off copy and paste my second map from the forum to the reply post
the shape will be form there....

do the same thing to the divided map but on a new paragraph....

finally read from it.....gosh that took me a while to

i am heading to my next map path to shoreview....however...wats with the easy? ?

37 posts

in a way for ur main mage will be a no for me cos all they do is decrease max hp (useful for regen monster)....however as a supportor ill use main are mostly infectious or slow/de-buff

arghhhh i am having trouble with path to shoreview

34 posts

i love the cripple effect, but watch out for high armor units! it just goes down to 1/1 and you still cant touch'em....

37 posts

thats why i like to go with either infectious combine with slow or de-buff skill.....slow the enemies so ur infect can be cast on for 3 times or debuff to make ur poison more effective....heh

37 posts

orite.....this is one madness path to shoreview if u ask me....nonetheless...manage with 6 skill points and 2 warriors and 2 mage heh.....and abit of luck

skills 1st and 2nd tier: poison for both mage and warrior and frugal with miser/scouts (less money or lesser hp of the enemy- u choose...i go with scouts tho)

u will start off with i will explain wave by wave....get 2 mage and 2 warrior from the start

place 1 mage at the T-road of slot...and that will be in the middle and the mage will be surrounded by another mage will be place on the T at ur left hand side after the rock beside ur 1st mage (in another word...follow the path of entry). so u will have 2 mage with a rock in between them.

now for warrior place 1 warrior at the L pointy nearer to the entry and 1 more at the tip of the left hand T after a rock (however this warrior is optional if u manage to kill everything during ur first do some testing and u will know...cos all the monsters have high AR) once that is done on to initiate.

1st wave: as the wave goes by upgrade ur first warrior, 1st and 2nd mage to poison class. next upgrade the warrior to armor piercer, and the 1st mage to infect. follow on don upgrade anything else and have ur 1st mage go on specilizing upgrade (u heard me rite guys....go for special) the end if ur able to upgrade, get the first warrior to specialize too) even if they are glowing and alot of not upgrade anyone that is glowing yet.
1st warrior: poison, armor piercer, special+1
1st mage: infectious poison, special+1
2nd mage: poison

2nd wave: when the wave start, ur 1st mage will start to glow. make him inflictor asap. as soon as u have enuf gold, get the 1st warrior to tactician.
1st warrior: tactician
1st mage: inflictor

3rd wave: as the wave goes by, hope u have gold, upgrade the first warrior in damage term and let the wave end.
1st warrior: Damage+1

4th wave: get ur 2nd mage to slow caster with special halfway through and uograde ur first warrior dmg asap too

5th wave*: this boss is too heavy armor that ur mage don do any dmg...however the slow and poison still work....hopefully the boss only take 1 life of the end ur 1st mage will be lv up....increase his dmg

6th wave: hopefully the poisons are great and ur first mage will be lv...this time increase his special instead....before u start ur 7th

7th wave: nothing....they will die cos of ur poison haha......

8th wave: just let it roll and hopefully ur warrior lvs...increase his dmg

9th wave: now just let it roll and prays no one escape....if too many escape....u will have to restart....i played 5 hours becos of this particular wave...-.-....hopefully u have more than 3 life

10th wave finally...let it roll and hopefully u have enuf to survive his threat..... thats all folks...

1 posts

!!!!!!v this is RU of my guide
!!!L@@@ the @ is replace by L
!!LLrrr to show u the shape of the L in the
!!@r!!! game
!!LLr!! here u will have 3 'ointy'
!!!LLr! so u will have 12 mage in total
!!!!@r! look carefully u will see 3 'ointy'

718 posts
Go to this site for help and look up Protector in the search box.

37 posts

LOL.....with those in that website......i think i can discontinue writing it here haha....have fun all

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