this is a game where one person tells one part of someones life and one other person and so on and so on. for example: person 1:you fart person 2:you say whoops person 3:you are sniped in the head so i'll start.
Your walking down the street and you see 5 snipers aming for your head...
And you end up in the dump because the taxi slipped on the water and mud (it had just rained,) and tipped and so you flew out into a pile of squashed squash! And then, just when you thought squash wasn't so bad, you get up, trip, and land in a faceful of blueberry pie!... ( :
You then get up and wipe off your face and saying to yourself "why me" and you start walking down the road hoping to get a ride and thank god you fell in that squash when you did because you turned orange and an orange truck picked you up and a few miles down the road you fall off the back of the truck in front of an old bar and grill where you work to earn an honest wage and then buy a car.
while on your break at the bar you slip on spiled alcohole and cant get up because the alcohole is sticky and your stuck to the ground. Then your boss comes and fires you.
You go back home sad and at the same time mad, throw your new cell phone out the window and it hits a police man in the head. The police man takes you straight to jail, and you scream "Is there any way this day can get WORSE?!?!?!?"
then the jail explodes and u end up in the hospital with 3rd degrees burns everywhere and the bill cost forty two thosand dollars so u take the closet gun aim it at ur head an then.....
uhhh neither. you escape from jail and whille running away you see a zoo, some gaurds a are chasing you so you jump into an exibit, you find tat its the crocidile exibet and theres one comeing tords you "why me why me why me!?" you mutter