ForumsGame Walkthroughs[Not on AG] Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare.

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C A A L L O O F D D U U T Y Y 4 4
C AAAAA L L O O FF D D U U T Y 44444
C A A L L O O F D D U U T Y 4


*Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare*

Call of Duty 4 FAQ/Walkthrough
For Xbox 360, PC, PS3
Version 1.8 (12/8/07)
Written by Brad Russell "TheGum"
(email at the bottom)

Version 1.0 - got the guide and other sections; plan to add weapons and
achievement section, maybe in an update later.

Version 1.5 - added intels and achievements, and did some minor tweaks.

Version 1.7 - added all TV's, sorta, and minor fixes.

Version 1.8 - added a tip from a reader regarding the epilogue on veteran.

Table Of Contents
Use Ctrl + F and type in the code to easy find.

Section: Code:

1. A Brief Foreword
2. Controls CON2222
3. Starter Tips TIPS333
4. Walkthrough FAQ4444
type "mission #" to get where you need to be

Mission 1: F.N.G.
Mission 2: Crew Expendable
Mission 3: Blackout
Mission 4: Charlie Don't Surf
Mission 5: The Bog
Mission 6: Hunted
Mission 7: Death From Above
Mission 8: War Pig
Mission 9: Shock and Awe
Mission 10: Safehouse
Mission 11: All Ghillied Up
Mission 12: One Shot, One Kill
Mission 13: Heat
Mission 14: The Sins of the Father
Mission 15: Ultimatum
Mission 16: All In
Mission 17: No Fighting in the War Room
Mission 18: Game Over

5. Intel/Achievements ACH5555
6. Copyright/Misc.

* 1. A Brief Foreword *

Hmm, the Resident Evil series pulled one of these too. The guys at Capcom and
Infinity Ward think alike. Both knew their franchises were getting dull, and
both drastically changed things for the fourth outing. However, both also
kept many of the same gameplay elements.

Hold on now, this game is not the Second Coming like RE4 was. This game is
good, but it's still COD with a new coat of paint. That is not a bad thing in
any way, but having last played COD2, I quickly realized this game is more or
less the same. And according to the rap during the credits, COD3 isn't even a
real COD game, so I guess I'm good to skip 3.

This game is great. The developers realized that instead of making a 12 hour
game with about six hours of pure repitition, they decided to cut out the
filler and serve the tender meat only. This game is short, but that is not a
knock against it. You'll appreciate the fast pace and the tense situations.
These are the most intense cutscenes/pseudo-cutscenes in any game, and they
may play with your emotions at times. It's a game you want to play for
presentation alone.

The bad is that this game is TOO fast. It's wham, bam, twist, end level. It
borders on stressful, since you really never stop moving for long. Another
issue that new players won't realize, this game is COD with new guns. The
bad thing about this is that instead of the ultra-high tech of a game like
GRAW, this game feels like you are limited. At times when things get hectic,
you just might wish you had a really cool helmet.

I'm through talking. Great game, enjoy, see ya,

* 2. Controls ( CON2222 ) *

Here are the 360 controls:

A - jump
B - crouch; press again to prone (lie down)
X - reload/use; usually need to hold to use something
Y - switch guns
RT - fire
LT - aim down the sight
RB - frag grenade
LB - special grenade (either flash or smoke)
RS - look/aim; click to melee
LS - move; click to sprint
START - pause
BACK - not sure

The PC has standard FPS controls, and the same since the last game. For all
three of you with PCs and without knowledge of the controls, you can choose
what buttons do what in the options menu.

* 3. Starter Tips ( TIPS333 ) *

*Toss 'em back - learn this trick early. When a grenade indicator pops up on
screen, or you hear the sound, go pick up the grenade and quickly toss it
back. It's a free frag, but you have to get it as soon as it drops or else it
will blow. If you can't reach it in like one second, then run far away.

*Cover up - if you are getting torn to pieces, fall behind cover and let your
blood settle through your magic healing problems. Crazy biology aside, finding
any cover, even not so good cover will usually save your life.

*Don't lose your tools - it's the d-pad functions on the 360, but each button
has a use in certain levels and with certain guns. All I'm saying is don't
forget those abilities are there (claymores, gun-grenade launchers, etc.).

*Follow the crowd - sticking to your somehow-always-the-same-size squad of
friends is the only way to play. Don't get too far ahead or behind, but mainly
don't go Rambo. There's nothing for playing alone and no reason to not let
your allies kill enemies.

*Preset vs Infinity - this regards enemy group sizes. Every area with bad guys
will either have a set number you must kill, or they will keep coming no matter
how good you kill them. But here is the trick to both: be aggressive. Just run
toward all groups of enemies in a timely fashion. This is the only way to take
out the neverending groups, since taking their areas chases them away, and it
also works on set armies.

*Watch your step - be aware that there will be new guns in every level. Swap
anything for your pistol, and keep an eye out for better guns.

* 4. Walkthrough ( FAQ4444 ) *

Played on the normal difficulty. There is mentioning of the achievements, but
I have not covered them all from top to bottom. This is not an achievement
guide, so look elsewhere for now for extra help on achievements. And please
read ahead of where you are, just to try to better connect the dots.

*NOTE: Instead of a separate Weapons and Enemies sections of this guide, I've
decided to just add what guns you have and what guns you run into at the start
of each level (except where it's not needed). And the enemies are just normal
bad guys, nothing special to write about.*

Mission 1: F.N.G.

Go pick up the rifle when you get control, the G36C. Then go to the first
shooting station to recieve your orders. Just follow along and find out how to
reload (X on the 360). The most useful tip is that by just pressing the aim
button when you're looking toward an enemy will set the sights on that enemy
(on the 360, just keep pressing LT and then RT quickly to get each target in
a breeze).

Then go back to the table and grab the USP .45 (a handgun). Switch weapons to
get the button down (Y on 360), and then go slash the melon by the shooting
range (there is a yellow marker on your compass at the bottom) (click the RS
on 360 to slash).

Next take a stroll outside to a blue building that will open when you get
near. Go meet Captain Price and then take the ladder to get up. Grab the
MP5 and the flashbangs.

*NOTE: The name Captain Price rings a bell. Unless this is his son or something
like that. Wouldn't be Call of Duty without him after all.*

When ready, slide down the rope, shoot the three targets in the room, then
go to the right and enter the room. Take the stairs at the back, shoot the
target. At the bottom you will toss a flashbang into the room (LB on 360). Hit
the targets and keep moving, hit the next set of targets (remember that trick
we learned for aiming quickly). Then go into the hall and toss a flashy into
the last room and then hit the targets inside, and then go out and sprint to
the end (click LS on 360). And there are arrows that help you too.

If you don't do good enough you will have to replay it. 30 seconds will get
you by, but if you want to try and master the course you can try again. 20
means you're pretty good, and 15 means you beat the best time (but 20 will
net you 360er's an achievement). Always keep moving, but not to sacrifice
accuracy, and shooting from the hip will save time, and throw the flashbangs
before being told.

*NOTE: Here is a complete step-by-step method of getting to 20 seconds, if you
must. Never use the sight, and toss the flash before you get to the room and
do know that you can't look at the flash, so briefly stand behind the door.
Drop down the rope, shoot the closest two targets through the first window
going right, then sprint right, strage inside the room, hit the target as you
strafe, and then sprint down the stairs. Shoot the target about 2/3 the way
down the steps and as soon as you do you should get your motion of tossing the
flashbang so that by the time you look through the doorway you will already
be tossing the grenade. Stop by the door to not get blinded, run through as
you shoot the first one and the other one, go into the next room where you
will shoot at the right target first, and then the one by the door. As you go
out the door into the hallway you need to be getting the flash ready. Toss it
toward the table inside the room, and then go by the door as you shoot the
targets and end up outside. In the final stretch you should be sprinting before
you get out of the setup. Accuracy is big, so is not getting stuck even for
a second, getting blinded, and having to reload. May take a lot of tries and
a lot of frustration. If you can somehow manage to shoot through the first
windows while moving you will probably already have this goal met.*

*NOTE: Instead of moving that previous big block of text around, I will just
say this here. The key is to go LEFT in the first area. The thing I did was
go left as soon as I landed and I shot at the first target, which ended up
hitting the target in the corner that was directly behind it. Then I just shot
the other one and slipped in through the left doorway instead of the right.
I ended up with 18 seconds the first time I did this, but running the rest of
the method I described also helped. So in the first part you must go left. And
again, achievement hounds are the only ones who should be going crazy over
this. Everyone else can come back later since it's just the first level.*

*NOTE: More of a general tip, but it did help me in this test. I paused the
game and went to the options menu to change the sensitivity to low. This was
on the 360 and it helped me.*

Go to the monitors in the corner when satisfied. All you do here is select the
difficulty of the game. Select the normal setting in spite of what the test
results recommend if this is your first playthrough. Or go rookie if this is
in fact your first gaming experience (pop that cherry good!).

Mission 2: Crew Expendable

Guns: MP5SD, a solid submachine gun
USP .45, basic pistol

The mission starts as a cutscene where you can look around, as will be the
case with most COD cutscenes. Just look around until you get on the ship. Well
actually your teammates will clear the first room, so you don't need to help
if you don't want.

Follow them down the steps where they will shoot a dude in the hall and then
kill two guys sleeping in a room on the left (that's so sad). Then follow
them outside.

Someone else joins with you as you move through the rain to the back of the
ship. Follow them to the left side and after you hear "weapons free" your team
should kill some guys in the center and up high. Then stay left until you see
lots of enemies up in the windows. Crouch if you like or try to kill a few,
but the bottom line is that all of them will soon be wiped away.

Go to a door on the left and enter with your team. Stay toward the front of
the pack behind whoever is in the front. After you go down a level there will
be enemies down a hallway with pipes. You can go rambo, or just sit back and
take pop shots into the seam, or use the red crosshair to know an enemy is in
your sights.

After that your team hits a door and some bullets fly. Charge in after the
flashbang is sent and kill the guys at the bottom. Down the steps and follow
your team on the right side (I ran into an enemy around a corner, which I
guess I needed to slash him, but then he wasn't there the second time). Stay
close and follow you squad through a door. In the next cargo hold will be
more guys on the opposite walkway, so do that auto-aiming trick to kill them.
Keep close to your team when they move down some steps at the end. You can
stay on the walkway to have the height advantage and kill the enemies below
as your team act as decoys.

Keep moving after the fighting at an open door. This third large room will be
the toughest yet. You should stay crouched and stay by your teammates, never
wandering too far away. Just stay low and be on your toes. The enemies will be
all over, so be ready to slash someone close (just don't forget who your allies
are). Going to the left side of the room does work though, so try that.

After the tangos are stamped out, follow you men to the container with the
goods (or bads). Go inside and grab the papers on top of the item and then get
ready to make a speedy retreat. Remember to sprint if needed. After leaving
this room you will be hit with a twist, so turn around again and follow your
team as the ship sinks. You MUST keep up with them or you're done for. Don't
fall behind and try to stay balanced as you run down the walkway. Be sure to
not get tossed when it breaks as you near the door.

Keep running through the slanted hallway. When you get up the stairs, go left,
and when you get back outside, go right. Follow your team to the edge of the
ship and press the jump button (A on 360) to get on the chopper (even if you
kinda fall off without jumping, still try to jump and the game may be in a
forgiving mood and let you move on to the next level anyway).

*NOTE: By far one of the best starting levels to a shooter that I've seen,
especially since I almost died a few times while running.*

Mission 3: Blackout

Guns: M4A1 SOPMOD, a basic rifle
M21 SUPRESSED, a sniper rifle that is quiet
RPD, heavy machine gun
RPG-7, rocket propelled grenades
G3, a solid rifle

Just watch as names pop up and various happenings take place during the ride
(just another day in L.A., right?). Don't forget to read the messages of the
talking voice. Keep watching for a surprise. Surprise, you're dead!

Yeah, not really the start of a mission, but wow was that interesting.

Now things will get going. Now you have night vision goggles (Up on the D-Pad
on the 360). Move forward through the water to reach two enemies. Kill them
and then enter the shack for an enemy intelligence in the form of the laptop.
Take it and listen to the TV if you want, then slash it just in case.

*NOTE: This TV DOES NOT count toward the achievement.*

Come back out and follow your men under bridge and through more swamp. When
you guys stop by a house, you can plant some claymores if you wish, you don't
have to. Kill the two inside and the ones from the house up the hill.

Follow your team to the big house and go inside. Go through and stop in the
field and wait for more allies to show up (don't shoot). After some talk, go
up the path. Follow Price and Kamarov when they split and go left while the
others go right.

Switch to the sniper rifle when you get to the break in the fence. Shoot the
turret gunner through the right window the the building below, then shoot the
wall next to the left gunner to get him (may take a few shots).

*NOTE: Hold the aim button and press the steady button, which is the LS on the
360, to get better shots.*

After you get both and shoot some grunts (not your guys), follow your guys
down the trail and through a burnt building. On the other side you need to
look down the way to see more enemies approaching. Snipe them, but make the
RPG dude on the right your top priority.

When all is quiet, move into the field and the debris until more enemies come
from up the road. Duck and get out your regular rifle to kill them. Again,
another RPG on the left side.

Now go to the fence-opening on the cliff and lend your sniping skills to the
scrubs on the ground. The enemies are on the left, your freinds on the right.
Kill an RPG guy when he runs behind a tank. Then snipe the three guys through
the hole in the roof under you and anyone else to get moving.

Follow Price to what appears to be another sniping point, but he cuts it short
and then you need to use the rope to rappel down the cliff. Just crouch and
run to the cover looking toward the house. Just use the sniper rifle and go to
where you see bullets flying in either direction, that usually means there is
a bad guy shooting you or your friends. Kill all the enemies around the front
of the house and then get out your normal rifle.

Make your way to the right side and proceed eastward through the two smaller
homes, killing soldiers along the way. Near a road at the back, three enemies
will run for the cover of a car, so get them first. Then make your way up the

Follow Price to a door as Gaz goes to cut the power. After he does, put on your
night vision and enter. Just two guys on your way to the stairs. Up the stairs
and in the first room will be two more, one in each corner (one is behind a
table). Careful as you round the corner and look into the dark room on the
right, an enemy may pop out and pop you one. Go inside to grab Nikolai.

Backtrack to the front of the house and jump inside the helicopter for evac.

Mission 4: Charlie Don't Surf

Guns: M9, pistol
M4A1, basic rifle, again
W1200, found in the first building, a solid shotgun
Dragunov, sniper rifle in first building too
AK-47 Grenadier, AK-47 with a grenade-launching attachment
AK-74u, a great gun for close combat

*NOTE: I say a lot about the TV achievement here.*

Now you are an American named Jackson; the name is important because when
someone says Jackson you need to know that that is you.

Watch the intro cutscene, which is sweet and then you land ("Cutscenes watch
Chuck Norris", I don't know why I thought of that from watching that cutscene).
Anyway, follow your the fresh faces to a building that they will clear.

Then go down the steps and look into the basement for more enemies inside.
Shoot at them and enter the room crouched over. Take cover behind crates and
your squad will back you up. Just poke around the corner and shoot.

When the room is clear, go into the room on the left, but there is a bad guy
that will shoot you through the doorway, so be ready to shoot from the hip or
slash. In this room will be more intel and another TV to slash, go do both.
There is another TV in the big room too. Also in this big room will be lots
of guns on the table; at least swap the pistol for the sniper rifle.

Go back into the bigger room and go to the rooms on the right that your men
will start shooting inside. Enter the door on the right (both lead to the same
room) and kill the five or so enemies inside. Follow the wall on the right and
be prepared for more men as you approach a door.

Let your guys go up the stairs and then follow them outside and into a street
nearby. Shoot the guys down the left street, but be wary of the ones down
the right street. Kill some on the right, but you need to start heading down
the left street. Going down the left street, find a wall piece that gives you
cover and get behind it (one guy should be on the left wall, so you take the
right wall). Pop out and use the auto-aiming trick to find targets high and
low. When it seems clear, cautiously move down the road and stay behind cover.

You can take some steps on the left side to get up to the roof where the
enemies occupied, so get up there. As soon as you get to the top of the steps
you should see a hole in the brick wall, so jump through. You can follow this
back path not only across the open road, but also all the way to the ruined
buildings at the end of this street. But for now, just get across the open
road and take the rooftop on the opposite side; there are steps to get up to
this roof too. There will be another intel on a table.

On the main street, look down the way to see a bunch of enemies on approach.
Kill them from afar and watch out for more on the sides. Keep moving down this
road until you hit a dead end, but when you get to the corner of another road
you should quickly look up to a building to hit an RPG gunner. There will be
more baddies up on the roof and more down the road, so kill some and then
start heading northeast.

*NOTE: The area with the ruined building can be reached through an alleyway,
which makes it a bit easier.*

Get to a ruined building and then go left to find a path to go north. You will
arrive at the TV station. Follow your boys to a door and wait for them to blast
it open. Go inside and look down the hallway to hit a dude, then slash the two
TV's. Follow your team down the hall to a room with another TV to slash. When
you guys go through the room with the computers there will be lots of fighting
on the other side. You may even pick up W1200 by now; it's a shotgun, so swap
it with your handgun.

Proceed to a big room that appears to be the nerve center of the station. Go
along the left wall and eventually this place will become a very messy place.
Use the shotgun to blast close enemies and try to fight your way into the rooms
on the other side; grenades are a big deal, so just run when one falls nearby.
Stay in these rooms and use them as cover. Swing your way to the north end
to see lots of enemies coming from that side, so clear them out with either
shotgun or rifle. Don't forget to toss frags all over the place (RB on 360).
The goal is to not die and to keep moving until you have taken the doors that
the enemies keep pouring from, so don't stay still. Then use the shotgun to
clear out the center area.

Also, there are tons of TV's in here. Slash or shoot the ones with the dude
giving the speech on them. Most in the center will be destroyed during the
battle; that leaves the ones stacked by the walls and the ones hanging up high.
And yes, this is only for an achievement, so if you don't care, then ignore all
mentions of TV's.

Stack up by a door in the hall. Then you will enter the foyer to get upstairs.
In the room on the second level will be a TV hanging. When you get to the
outside there will be a fight in the parking lot below. Shoot all enemies that
come from the left side, but never shoot someone that has a name because that
will be one of yours in case you didn't realize.

After that, proceed moving up the station. You'll go up some stairs to cross
a roof on the third level. In the hallway just wait for the breach and then
enter. There will be some more TV's to slash, but you have to get them quickly
before the speech is cut off, or no achievement for you.

*NOTE: You most likely haven't gotten all the TV's, so don't worry if you're
not an achievement hound.*

  • 11 Replies
25 posts

its long but try it out

9 posts

holy crap thats long. Didnt put anything about online play though

11 posts

on line so easy u can fifura it at ur self if u got a ps3 tho add me and i will help screen name is rockets18 but after lvl game over if u hit continue game u get to play mile high club mission the guy who made this didnt put it in there i dont think

10 posts

everytime i try to reinstall CoD4 on my PC it dosnt load anything =/ can anyone help me? plzzzzzzzzzzz?

39 posts

anyone have COD4 for the PS3?
if so then does anyone want to play me?

15 posts

Is this even allowed? I thought this was about flash games...

1 posts

Random Giant Walkthrough thing... wow. Anyway. Is anyone here actually Cahtting about Playing or is this an FAQ? I thought it was a forum. In any event. If you're looking for a challenge. Hit me up on Xbox Live. I'll put you through your paces. Ashok Feldain. Doom On you Mr Tango.

2,568 posts

i beat cod 4 and its should be a little longer than that and um i tought every body would just post how to beat there fav lvl not only one person

420 posts

this forum is for flash games,I sugest you post this in the video game forum

181 posts

Cod 4 has the best exhilarating gameplay on campaign. Best campaign I've played.

216 posts

Multiplayer section?

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