Its a very simple game reallyyou just type a short sentence with an object or part of your body (no inappropiate things please) and see wat it looks like when your done.if its really sloppy, you put wat you said by typing with your fingers, and say wat you typed it with (dont say fingers please!)examplethis a fun gamei typed that with my nose!now u guys go!
\\\\\\=[]\\[=['';oiiitranslation i typed this with another keyboard.
ik htgy7p0oedde btghyiksx w2i9tgh bmjyt ngiujjnhbhdesbhw2idfkoxd ersioredss 20o0997 gbiolkoi(I typed this with by guinness world records 2007 book)
56t4r5fr4rt4f5h76yfr54hnjubhtgv6yhbyjh8ul.u76ytghfr9ijm vjkytg
i typed this withn my elb ow
i tiywped tdhis wikth mta fingaers
I typed this with my cat
i typed this with my mouse1Wait, is this a dead thread?
I typed this with a 20lb dumbell
I typed this with my left pinky.:0 Really no lying.
.gniyl on yllaeR 0:.yknip tfel ym htiw siht depyt I
i typed this with my burnt tongue.Not bad spelling, eh? I didn't even backspace
I went down into my basement and found a ping pong paddle, I hurredly ran upstairs only to stub three of my toes at the same time. I typed everything from "I" to "time" with the ping pong paddle and everything else wiff my stubbed middle-toe.
I typed this with my fingers. OMG HUGE SHOCK!!!!!
I typed this with my elbow. Thats hard!!!
i typed it with as zippob lighter45
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