Typing with your eyes closed isnøt a big deal if you know your keyboard well.
((I typed that with my eyes closed (a feat most people who type a lot are perfectly capable of doing without error). The ø is there because I hit a special character instead of '.))
Typing with your eyes closed is way too easy. Except what you said you can also count the letters. (For example you want to type g so you count Caps lock, a, s, d, f and there it is. You just count the letters in the line.
i typed this with the cd case. yes i know it is not so difficult.
You know that the toilet seat in your house has about 49 germs (bacteria) per square inch while your house keyboard and not a public one has about 21.000 Germs? So i think that it is way tooooooooooo unsanitary to type with your tongue.
De4zar ujdsrerfds, b b b II(F ylou q5tre br54eeaqding tyhks tybnhganmm yuuuplo; woill so0on koje gtysa6 I( hjater ee bn,l.kjn hjzx ,an fr nio AS;lSpo l:,l vqw FKILODEF.SWMNJHJUYJULOEW3OI HJZTEFR VWE4RB KI8HXZ,SAN N D I L;LOBGVD BFGOOLWSA.<>,.<?/?/,?<
In translation from my elbow to my fingers I wrote:
Dear users, If you are reading this then you soon will know that I hate webkinzs, and I also LOVE FOOD.Anyhow I wrote this to say that I hate webkinz and I LOVE FOOD. By the way
In translation from my elbow to my fingers I wrote:
Dear users, If you are reading this then you soon will know that I hate webkinzs, and I LOVE FOOD.Anyhow I wrote this to say that I hate webkinz and I LOVE FOOD. That's what I wanted to say
P.S. In translation from my elbow to my fingers I wrote:
Dear users, If you are reading this then you soon will know that I hate webkinzs, and I LOVE FOOD.Anyhow I wrote this to say that I hate webkinz and I LOVE FOOD. ALSO (I could have memory loss or some thing ;D)